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Choir of Angels: A Christmas Romance Collection

· Saltzailea: MIRA
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Angels are all around us—especially at Christmas!

Three classic stories of hope and seasonal cheer.

Shirley, Goodness and Mercy

Greg Bennett hates Christmas. Divorced, almost friendless and about to lose his business, he has no time for what he considers sentimental nonsense. But three irrepressible angels are here to follow him—until he learns what Christmas is truly all about.

Those Christmas Angels

The angels come down to earth again to respond to Anne Fletcher’s prayer request. She wants her son, Roy, to meet a special woman and learn what is actually important in life. So the angels contrive to throw Julie Wilcoff in his path—literally.

Where Angels Go

Another Christmas, another angelic rescue. Three heaven-sent messengers reunite a divorced couple, bring peace of mind to an elderly man and grant a little boy’s fondest wish…because bringing joy is in their job description!

The Angel Books

Book 3: Where Angels Go

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5 iritzi

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Debbie Macomber is a #1 New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author and a leading voice in women’s fiction today. She is a multiple award winner with more than 200 million copies of her books in print. Five of her Christmas titles have been made into Hallmark Channel Original Movies, as well as a series based on her bestselling Cedar Cove stories. For more information, visit her website: www.DebbieMacomber.com.

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