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Break Through
Break Free

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Break Through
Break Free
VR Frame VR Frame Phemex Phemex Phemex Phemex
Our Vision
Universalize fair financial access beyond backgrounds, borders, and beliefs
We leverage cutting-edge technology in pursuit of equality and justice. The latest innovations and investment opportunities must be available to everyone. No matter who, no matter where, and no matter why…nobody is left behind. Our Vision
Our Slogan
Break Through Break Free
Phemex believes in giving every individual boundless opportunity and an equal foundation. Break through to a paradigm of limitless possibility, and break free to craft your own financial destiny. Our Sloan
Our Mission
Provide excellent investment opportunities for all to leverage their full capacity
From day one, we’ve strived to empower the individual. We want to give everyone the access, tools, and know-how to maximize potential and achieve financial success. We sincerely believe this to be a fundamental right of every individual. Our Mission
Our Logo
Phemex derives from the combination of Pheme and MEX.
The shape of our logo depicts a leaf from the laurel crown worn by Pheme, the Greek goddess of fame. The logo represents the feathers in her wings that embody “glory." They are signs of bravery, elegance, and wealth. Our LOGO
Our Value
1. Embrace Change
Unpredictability has become the new normal. Only by constantly adapting to new environments, can we emerge stronger from every major shift. We look to continuously optimize our services every single day.
Embrace Change
2. Act Swiftly
Our mission fuels us with purpose, and our vision inspires us to execute relentlessly. In order to support you, we move forward with boldness and haste, because your triumph is our ultimate motivation.
Act Swiftly
3. Empower individuals
By building a fair trading environment and providing superior asset management tools, we allow everyone to effectively manage their risk. We place value in every “individual,” and our success is reflected in their success.
Empower individuals
4. Stay Humble
We understand that past triumphs must be tempered by maintaining humility and listening to all perspectives. By constantly reevaluating and improving ourselves, we march forward step-by-step toward ultimate victory.
Stay Humble
Brand Story
What is Phemex
Brand Story
In their past lives, some of our founders served as senior executives at Morgan Stanley. They learned how to build reliable and efficient systems, but over time also recognized the fatal limitations of traditional finance. Unreasonable fees, exclusive dealings, inefficient systems...they realized that the current banking ecosystem was fundamentally skewed in favor of the privileged few. Our founders envisioned a new financial paradigm where the slate is wiped clean and everyone can access the same opportunities and freedoms.

This outlook drove them to embrace blockchain technology. Some started out as Bitcoin miners, while others joined “reputable” cryptocurrency exchanges to begin investing. However, technical oversights often caused these platforms to malfunction, leading to great losses. These experiences revealed that while cryptocurrency embodied the ideals of free finance and individual sovereignty, existing platforms still lacked maturity. Reinvigorated with a new purpose in mind, our founders began to devise a new crypto platform. By collectively leveraging their strong technical backgrounds and decades of Wall Street expertise, Phemex was born.

Phemex facilitates a future powered by blockchain technology that provides us all with richer, more meaningful lives. We seek to empower users in a world with boundless opportunity, greater equality, and massive freedom. By handing people the ability to craft their own destiny, Phemex eliminates privilege and exclusivity. This new paradigm offers everyone the same starting point and limitless possibilities. Winners will be determined purely by their diligence, foresight, and capacity to rapidly adapt.

What is Phemex
Our name derives from the combination of Pheme and MEX.

Pheme is the Greek God of fame who represented the public’s voice. MEX stands for mercantile exchange. Together, they symbolize our vision for an enhanced financial future in which everyone’s voices are heard and old identities are cast away in favor of equal opportunities.

Brand Story Brand Story Brand Story Brand Story Brand Story
Why Choose Phemex
365 x 24 System
365 x 24 System
The transaction engine and cross engine are built on the raft protocol, providing high performance and 365 x 24 availability. The system design is protected by a patent.
Professional team from Morgan Stanley
Professional team from Morgan Stanley
Phemex’s founding team consists of ex-Morgan Stanley executives who boast decades of practical Wall Street experience. The team is professional, flexible and highly efficient.
300,000 Transactions processed per second
300,000 Transactions processed per second
Custom-built trading engines process 300,000 transactions per second with order response times of less than 1 millisecond. Smoothly handles over $10 billion in trading volume each day.
Sub-accounts make trading easily
Sub-accounts make trading easily
Compatible with institutional traders' FIX API and quantitative traders' sub-accounts. Whatever type of trader you are, we’ve got you covered.
Highest level of wallet security
Highest level of wallet security
Our cold wallet storage transfers require level 2 human review offline signatures, so your assets are protected in every aspect.
24 x 7 live multilingual support
24 x 7 live multilingual support
We provide 24 x 7 live multilingual customer support. Our CEO is available on Telegram and Twitter.
365 x 24 System
365 x 24 System
The transaction engine and cross engine are built on the raft protocol, providing high performance and 365 x 24 availability. The system design is protected by a patent.
300,000 Transactions processed per second
300,000 Transactions processed per second
Custom-built trading engines process 300,000 transactions per second with order response times of less than 1 millisecond. Smoothly handles over $10 billion in trading volume each day.
Highest level of wallet security
Highest level of wallet security
Our cold wallet storage transfers require level 2 human review offline signatures, so your assets are protected in every aspect.
Professional team from Morgan Stanley
Professional team from Morgan Stanley
Phemex’s founding team consists of ex-Morgan Stanley executives who boast decades of practical Wall Street experience. The team is professional, flexible and highly efficient.
Sub-accounts make trading easily
Sub-accounts make trading easily
Compatible with institutional traders' FIX API and quantitative traders' sub-accounts. Whatever type of trader you are, we’ve got you covered.
24 x 7 live multilingual support
24 x 7 live multilingual support
We provide 24 x 7 live multilingual customer support. Our CEO is available on Telegram and Twitter.