Lisa Rinna Walks Off 'RHOBH' Reunion in Tears: 'I Don't Need to Explain Myself'

Lisa Rinna left the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reunion Tuesday night in tears, after an upsetting move from Kim Richards

Lisa Rinna had a tough season on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

No matter how many times she tried to keep those loose lips of hers shut, she seemed to always find herself on the wrong side of the drama — most notably when she spread rumors that recovering addict Kim Richards was close to death after using again, and when she asked Dorit Kemsley if people were doing drugs at her house.

Sure, as a fan, that all made for great television. But Rinna’s words had real consequences — and she learned that first hand on Tuesday’s second part of the RHOBH reunion.

The reality was so upsetting for Rinna, she ended up leaving the stage in tears — telling host Andy Cohen, “I’m going to walk away for a second because it just doesn’t feel quite right.”

kim-richards kim-richards
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Her exit came after Richards made the bold move to return a gift bunny for her grandson Rinna had given her earlier in the season — as a peace offering, of sorts.

“I brought the bunny because I never gave it to my grandson,” Richards, 52, said as she got up from her couch and walked the still-wrapped present over to Rinna. “It didn’t feel like it had good energy, sorry. So I think what I should do is give it to you and when you and I are in a better place, maybe you can give it back to me. Because right now I don’t feel like it was given to me with the right energy.”

“It’s just been sitting there and I couldn’t give it to my grandson,” Richards continued as Rinna teared up. “I’m all about energy and positive things. Maybe that can be given to somebody else and maybe you would mean it more and get better energy giving it to somebody else. You don’t have to cry over it.”

But Rinna couldn’t help herself. Though she stayed calm and quiet, tears rolled down her face as the room stood in silence. “I don’t need to explain myself,” she finally said. “I don’t need to say a word. I get it. Loud and clear.”

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills - Season 7 The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills - Season 7
Nicole Weingart/Bravo/NBCU Photo Bank/Getty

She may have gotten it, but audiences were certainly confused. After all, just minutes earlier the two had discussed how they were at a good place after rehashing all of their past drama — including those “near death” claims.

“I think Lisa has a huge heart,” Richards said. “You don’t always disappoint me. I don’t think she always will disappoint me. I think there’s big hopes for us.”

Rinna agreed: “We’ve made amends, and we have moved on.”

Giving the bunny back certainly told another story.

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“I could have regifted it, but I felt like it was better to give it back to you,” Richards explained to Rinna. “I don’t really know what’s real and what’s not with you. I don’t. I don’t know if I am ready to be your friend.”

“Okay,” Rinna said in response, still crying. “I accept that and am okay with it. I’ve forgiven myself and I can move forward with that.”

Ironically, Rinna at first thought giving the bunny was a bad idea — but was convinced otherwise by her husband, Harry Hamlin. “Harry’s the one that said he thought this would be a really good idea to bring this bunny to Kim — that it would just be a really nice moment to have with you,” she said.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills - Season 7 The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills - Season 7
Nicole Weingart/Bravo/NBCU Photo Bank/Getty

While the other Housewives seemed sad to see Rinna so upset, Richards wasn’t.

“Maybe it’s good that you feel bad for a minute. Because you hurt me,” she told Rinna, echoing what she had said earlier. “It’s like lies, cries and denies. That’s what you did. To watch it was just unbelievable to me!”

“I’ve seen this side of her before when she’s like, ‘I’m sorry,’ and it would mean a lot to me if I knew she was sincere. Because I want that,” Richards added. “She does these things and then she plays the victim.”

After walking away, Rinna was followed by her loyal friend Eileen Davidson.

“Listen, I need to talk to you about this,” Davidson told Rinna in her dressing room. “That was a calculated move with that bunny. You had a good heart and you were trying to end this s—. She’s just trying to demean you and hurt you.”

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Though Rinna agreed, she remained confident in herself.

“You know what, she can’t demean me and hurt me because I have a beautiful life and I have a beautiful family. And that is her stuff. That is her stuff right there,” Rinna said. “That’s not good energy. And that’s not what you do. If you’re preaching that kind of thing? You just showed yourself. You just showed your true colors. Good for you. I hope you feel good about it.”

Richards, seemingly, did feel good about. But she still walked backstage with the bunny to try to talk to Rinna.

“Can I talk to you?” Richards asked her.

Rinna’s answer was swift. “No,” she said — proving these two Housewives still have a long way to go on the road to friendship.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills airs Tuesday (9 p.m. ET) on Bravo.

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