Kate Moss: My daughter is my mini-me

Kate Moss recently opened up to the British Edition of Vogue about her daughter about motherhood. When Lila, 4 years old, was born Kate explained, "I felt like, now I’ve got a partner in crime, I’m never going to have to be on my own again." And as far as reading to Lila before bed, "’Course, absolutely every night."

This little girl is into fashion and is already paying attention to detail:

"She comes in at bedtime and says, ‘Mummy, do you think this is a good look?’ and then she has a fashion crisis," Moss tells the magazine. "I say, ‘You will wear what I tell you,’ but she says she’s the adult of the bedroom. Now we lay the clothes out before she goes to bed but then she goes, ‘Mum, I need options.’

Kate went on to say:

"When we were doing Versace [the recent ad campaign], we all had kids and they came along, like Christy [Turlington]’s little baby and Carolyn [Murphy]’s little boy, and Lila and Donatella struck up a friendship. They put a weave in her hair and she had this long blonde hair down to her waist, and she was going like" – Moss tosses her hair back, vamp-style – "and I was like, oh … my … god."

As most kids do, Lila proves constant entertainment for her mom. Recently, Kate explaind, Lila was commenting on British Princess’ Beatrice and Eugenie lack princess quality, "How come if you are princesses you don’t have tiaras and a pink dress?"

Source: people.com

Thanks to CBB readers Michelle, Maya and Aline.

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