Ben's Proposal 'Beautiful,' Says Lopez

As PEOPLE reports in its current issue, Ben Affleck has made his marriage proposal official by presenting Jennifer Lopez with a pink-diamond solitaire he chose himself and had custom-made by jeweler-to-the-stars Harry Winston.

The pair had hoped to keep their engagement a secret until Lopez spilled the news in her interview with Diane Sawyer on ABC’s “Primetime” this Wednesday.

And now comes a news release from ABC that features highlights of Sawyer’s Lopez interview — complete with confirmation of the engagement.

“Are you engaged?” asks Sawyer. “Yes,” replies Lopez, 33, in an interview taped in Manhattan and Lopez’s old Bronx neighborhood, according to the press release.

Lopez said Affleck’s proposal was “traditional, but also in a very spectacular way, as of course Ben would do it … it was very, very beautiful.”

She also said, referring to a church that she and Affleck, 30, have just visited in Boston, “We don’t have any plans to get married at that specific church at this specific time,” though “we did stop by the church there.” (Affleck was born in Berkeley, Calif., but was raised in Cambridge, Mass., near Boston, which is where he and Matt Damon set their breakthrough 1997 film, “Good Will Hunting.”)

Describing Affleck, Lopez says that she initially had thought of him as one of those Hollywood “skirt chasers. I’ve told him, too. He knows.” Now she thinks of him as “brilliantly smart … Loving. Charming. Affectionate. And I just admire him in every way.”

So does another member of her family, says Lopez. “My mother loves Ben. She loves him.” Before Affleck met mom, says J.Lo, “I was like, ‘Look, she never really likes anybody I’m with, so be prepared.’ And he was like, ‘Okay.’ But he won her over in true Affleck fashion.”

As for what a true Affleck-fashion marital relationship will be like, Lopez says she realizes that the two of them are probably being perceived of as an unlikely couple.

“We’ve talked about this so many times, and we talked about how people kind of see him with … one type of person and me with another type of person, and the two of us together is like, ‘How did that happen?’ And how we’re probably more alike and from the same kind of background … same kind of upbringing and same kind of family and same kind of house,” Lopez tells Sawyer.

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