The Band Perry's Reid Perry Is Engaged to Rae DelBianco — and They're Getting Married This Month!

"She said yes, we held onto each other and cried, and then we still went out and got that catfish dinner," Perry said

Reid Perry of the Band Perry Engaged to Rae DelBianco Reid Perry of the Band Perry Engaged to Rae DelBianco
Reid Perry and Rae DelBianco. Photo:


Congratulations are in order for The Band Perry's Reid Perry and fiancée Rae DelBianco!

During an interview with COWGIRL magazine on Thursday, the couple revealed details about their sweet engagement.

Perry, 34, told the outlet he spent "weeks" deciding where he wanted to pop the question — because he "wanted to do it in a place that meant something to both of us."

"After mulling over our go-to date spots and favorite swamps around Oxford, I chose Rae's living room," he said of renowned Western novelist DelBianco, who's also a screenwriter, LGBTQ+ rights activist and former cattle farmer.

Reid Perry of the Band Perry Engaged to Rae DelBianco Reid Perry of the Band Perry Engaged to Rae DelBianco
Rae DelBianco and Reid Perry.


He had the rings hand-made by his friend Nicole Harlow and went with a "minimal design that had an aggressive edge to it." The day he got the ring, he had plans to propose after a dinner date — but was "dying" to do it and made a bold move.

"I pulled on my favorite boots and drove over to Rae's apartment. I caught her off guard ‘cause she was still barefoot and getting ready," he said. "I walked through the door and dropped to one knee and said: I only want three things in life. I want art, I want you, and I want to be your husband. Will you marry me?"

He added, "She said yes, we held onto each other and cried, and then we still went out and got that catfish dinner — right next door to where our rings were made."

The couple met online in July 2020, though they didn't meet in person until five months later since Perry was writing and recording music in Los Angeles while DelBianco was writing in Mississippi. He moved to Mississippi in 2022.

As it turns out, they both knew the other was "the one" after only a few phone calls.

"Part of me knew that Reid was the one after our first phone call," DelBianco told the outlet. "Knowing someone only online still had that feeling of unreality, and I told a friend afterward, "either I'll never get to meet him, or I'm going to marry him."

Perry added, "We had our first phone call after a few weeks of texting. I was nervous as all get out. We talked for about three hours. A week later we talked again for three hours. A few days later we talked for four hours. I knew then that I was going marry Rae DelBianco. We had a bottomless supply of connections and things to talk about."

The couple also revealed that they would tie the knot this month in a secret ceremony.

"We nearly eloped twice, before we were even engaged, out of sheer excitement. The second time, one of our best friends said, 'If you guys end up eloping, please give me enough heads up so I can at least fly to it.' Of course, it's not an elopement then, but that made us realize — what would our wedding look like if we 'elope' with all the people we wouldn't want to elope without?

They added, "And so we'll be married in secret, with 16 guests and our pastor, keeping the day small and simple as our way of staying centered on one another, but with enough room for those we dearly love to stand alongside us. We’ll follow our ceremony with a crawfish boil and bonfire, and dancing under a Mississippi night sky."

The pair will be honeymooning in Arizona and will roadtrip to a cabin in the desert, followed by a week-long excursion riding mustangs in Monument Valley.

In March, The Band Perry shared a note on social media to announce a hiatus from making music as a group. They also told fans that they'd be focusing on "individual creative pursuits" while continuing to support one another. Brother Neil is also recently engaged, having popped the question in January, while sister Kimberly is currently expecting her first child, a son, in August.

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