Alicia Silverstone Reacts to Paul Rudd's SMA Reveal: He's Been 'Kind of a Baldwin Since 1995'

Alicia Silverstone and Paul Rudd starred together in 1995’s Clueless

Alicia Silverstone is celebrating Paul Rudd's Sexiest Man Alive title with a sweet meme.

The actress shared a TikTok meme from their 1995 film Clueless in which her character, Cher, walks by a fountain as she realizes she's in love with Josh (Rudd).

In the TikTok, Cher looks up during her lightbulb moment only for Rudd's PEOPLE cover to appear.

"I mean… Cher's been saying he is a kind of a Baldwin since 1995 😋," Silverstone wrote.

The movie follows Cher, a high school student, as she navigates friendships and love.

Rudd was also congratulated by another one of his former costars, Jennifer Aniston, who shared a video of Rudd's PEOPLE photo shoot on her Instagram Story.

"This makes me so happy. We've ALWAYS known this, but Paul Rudd is officially @people's Sexiest Man Alive!" Aniston wrote over the video.

She also shared a still of the two of them cuddling in their 1998 romantic comedy The Object of My Affection. "You don't age, which is weird," she wrote with the image. "But we still love you."

In addition to The Object of My Affection, Aniston and Rudd starred together in the 2012 comedy Wanderlust and shared the screen on the final two seasons of Friends, in which Rudd played Phoebe's (Lisa Kudrow) husband Mike Hannigan.

paul rudd, alicia silverstone paul rudd, alicia silverstone

Rudd spoke to PEOPLE about enjoying his life with his wife of 18 years, Julie Yaeger, and their two children, Darby, 12, and Jack, 17. He considers their home in New York City his happy place.

"When I think about myself, I think of myself as a husband and a father — like, I'm that," Rudd told PEOPLE. "I just hang out with my family when I'm not working. That's what I kind of like the most."

For more of Rudd's exclusive interview and photos, pick up this week's special double issue, Sexiest Man Alive, now on newsstands.

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