Daily News Sports Columnist Lisa Olson Quits

Longtime Daily News sports writer Lisa Olson has quit the paper. A spokesperson confirmed the news to Media Mob and

Longtime Daily News sports writer Lisa Olson has quit the paper. A spokesperson confirmed the news to Media Mob and said that she "informed us recently that she would like to pursue a different career path and a different style of writing."

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But according to the sports blog, The Big Lead, that’s hardly the only reason. The Big Lead reports that the Daily News did not include Ms. Olson on a list of reporters to cover the Super Bowl and she stormed off. The blog reports that there was a dust-up between Ms. Olson and and the "New York office" after columnist Mike Lupica switched story ideas on deadline during the Giants-Packers NFC Championship game and she had to quickly scrap a new story together.

When reached by phone Daily News sports editor Leon Carter would not comment. We’ve got emails out to Ms. Olson and Mr. Lupica and we’ll tell you if we hear anything.

Daily News Sports Columnist Lisa Olson Quits