Elsewhere: McCain, Gillibrand, Obama

One upstate Republican Party county chair has not come out for John McCain. Sign Up For Our Daily Newsletter Sign

One upstate Republican Party county chair has not come out for John McCain.

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An ostensibly internal memo shows the McCain campaign thinks he is the “de facto nominee” because he is polling better than Romney in many winner-take-all states.

Hillary Clinton has two new February 5 ads, both focus on the economy.

A poll of the special election in the 48th Senate District puts William Barclay just barely ahead of Darrell Aubertine.

Republicans are united around blaming China.

Eliot Spitzer makes one couple nervous when he brings his “Bringing Home the Budget” tour to their home.

Clinton is being targeted by a viral email campaign started by a Barack Obama supporter.

The Obama campaign is distributing an anti-Clinton mailing about Iraq in Connecticut.

And negative mail about her healthcare plan.

Robert Harding reports that Michele Iannello is the likely Democratic contender for the 61st Senate district.

Joe Lieberman doubts Michael Bloomberg will run if McCain gets the nomination.

McCain gets a flood of endorsements today, including Rick Perry.

The amendment that would pull the tax break for Atlantic Yards didn’t get past the City Council committee today.

Romney doesn’t seem to be doing much February 5 advertising, though he is buying in California.

Clinton’s White House schedules will be released from the archives tomorrow.

The Buffalo News endorses Clinton.

Hulk Hogan is backing Obama.

Kirsten Gillibrand and Clinton want the Army to investigate whether Fort Drum soldiers are being blocked from filing veterans claims.

Governor Charlie Crist of Florida is coming here to campaign for McCain.

Dick Durbin thinks a brokered Democratic National Convention is a real possibility for the first time since 1953.

The Manhattan Institute’s City Journal still thinks “It’s a shame that Rudy Giuliani couldn’t have run for president in the fall of 2001.”

The National Review says Obama is the most liberal senator. Clinton, slightly less so.

The Nation tepidly endorses Obama.

Westchester4Rudy is now 4 McCain.

Elsewhere: McCain, Gillibrand, Obama