Early Bloomberg Drafter Ditches Effort

Karin Gallet is leaving Michael Bloomberg alone. Sign Up For Our Daily Newsletter Sign Up Thank you for signing up!

Karin Gallet is leaving Michael Bloomberg alone.

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I emailed Gallet earlier to get her thoughts on Arnold Schwarzenegger’s endorsement of John McCain, and Bloomberg’s latest denials about the race. I thought she would give me an argument about why Bloomberg is still the best choice.

Surprisingly, she wrote:

"He’s not running. He’s convinced me. I’m returning to more obtainable goals like passing my business law class and supporting moderate Republicans! I think Kevin [Sheekey] should run though. Now that would be interesting!!"

When I asked if she was serious, Gallet said responded:

"Even his good buddies are backing McCain. I think they would know if there was a reason to hold off on an endorsement.
McCain is MB’s base, so the opportunity has faded. And besides, even with the best effort of the big bad unity 08 boys, we’ve not seen any significant pop support, none of that lefty groundswell ala Clark."

In a telephone conversation, Gallet said, “We have not mustered up any kind of significant groundswell support. I think Bloomberg is just too good for this country.” She added, “Don’t get me wrong, he would have been a great candidate. He would be a great president. He is far superior than anyone who will end up in the White House.”

"The problem with moderates in this country is that they don’t get people excited," she said.

Early Bloomberg Drafter Ditches Effort