
Determine the closeness of values across two operators using absolute and relative tolerances. The output from isclose is an int value since it’s commonly used for reductions and bool reductions using atomics are not available in hardware.

template<typename Op1, typename Op2>
__MATX_INLINE__ auto matx::isclose(Op1 op1, Op2 op2, double rtol = 1e-5, double atol = 1e-8)#

Returns an integer tensor where an element is 1 if: abs(op1 - op2) <= atol + rtol * abs(op2)

or 0 otherwise

Template Parameters:
  • Op1 – First operator type

  • Op2 – Second operator type

  • op1 – First operator

  • op2 – Second operator

  • rtol – Relative tolerance

  • atol – Absolute tolerance


IsClose operator


auto A = make_tensor<TestType>({5, 5, 5});
auto B = make_tensor<TestType>({5, 5, 5});
auto C = make_tensor<int>({5, 5, 5});

(A = ones<TestType>(A.Shape())).run(exec);
(B = ones<TestType>(B.Shape())).run(exec);
(C = isclose(A, B)).run(exec);