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nomad logo NOMAD
Materials science data
managed and shared
NOMAD lets you manage and share your materials science data in a way that makes it truly useful to you, your group, and the community. Free and open source.
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used by thousands of materials scientists
Use cases
More than sharing files
NOMAD processes your files to extract structured data and rich metadata. It provides a unified way to Find, Access, Interoperate with, and Reuse millions of FAIR data from different codes, sources, and workflows.
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Research data management for your group
Combine NOMAD and NOMAD Oasis to implement research data management. NOMAD Oasis gives you full control over your group's data, lets you integrate all your data sources, and allows you to run your own analysis tools. We are working on a long term archival feature that lets you publish selected data directly from your Oasis to NOMAD.
NOMAD Oasis is used by research groups at: