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Empowering Digital Sovereignty

Niiwin empowers people to take control of their stories and data. Discover a new approach to content, data design, management, and governance. Designed with cultural safety at its heart.

Niiwin Supports Digital Sovereignty...

Design Custom Data Structures

Niiwin offers a no-code interface to design data tables with custom attributes and then make relational data connections. This means working within a structure meaningful to you. Not prescribed by external forces not in alignment with your worldview.


Manage Data
 & Tell Stories

Once you have data structures that are meaningful for you, use Niiwin’s easy-to-use interface to create, update and manage your information securely. Manage data privately or share your story with the world, the choice is yours to make.


Governance Over Your Data

Create slices of data and manage access responsibly through custom workspaces. With fine-grain user permissions, managing who has access to which pieces of your data are key to data sovereignty.


Choice Over Data Location

Location matters and Niiwin can be hosted anywhere. While we offer a so-called “cloud” hosted option with our carefully vetted  hosting provider, your Niiwin instance can be moved on premise and in your community.

The four components of Niiwin…

Niiwin Code An app that writes code.

A power tool for software developers, this code-based core of Niiwin allows for the creation and customization of Niiwin implementations. Today this is primarily used by Animikii software developers through our partner services. We intend to open this up to the broader development community in the future.

Niiwin Data Create tables and manage data.

This web-based interface is where tables and data relationships can be designed, data can be managed, and data governance rules can be implemented. This is a powerful no-code platform for non-developers that automatically generates actual code which can be accessed by developers via Niiwin Code.

Niiwin CMS Empowering stories, one click at a time.

A Content Management System (CMS) that enables social-purpose organizations to share their impact, voice, and story online through their website. The CMS is where we started years ago and currently powers hundreds of sites. Now, it’s part of the Niiwin platform.

Niiwin LMS Sharing knowledge and learning.

Coming Soon: We’re developing an online learning management system (LMS) that leverages Niiwin’s plug-in architecture and content-building components from Niiwin Data & Niiwin CMS. We’ve taken our years of experience building online learning platforms and bringing a base platform that can be customized.

How our partners are building on Niiwin...


The Digital Witness Blanket, a companion to the artwork of the same name, is an online application that tells the story of Truth and Reconciliation, all enabled by Niiwin’s core technology.

”Animikii created a technological foundation that enables us to share the Witness Blanket and the stories that it carries across worldwide digital platforms. I appreciate how their methods align with the ways in which this artwork was made, respecting and honouring residential school Survivors and focusing on truth, while maintaining cultural safety for everyone involved in this project.”


Edmonton Public Schools came to us for their new online education platform, marking our role in delivering a province-wide decolonized online high-school experience.

“We’re proud to be developing our Virtual School online learning platform on top of Niiwin where we’re working with Animikii to centre Indigenous Data Sovereignty principles in its design. We considered all of our technology options when choosing our technology partner and we were very keen on the customization that developing custom software through the Niiwin platform provided us.”


The Survivors’ Secretariat is working to uncover, document and share the truth about what happened at the Mohawk Institute residential school and needs to manage the data and stories it cares for in a culturally safe and secure way.

“To honour the truth shared by Survivors and our search for more than 140 years of information gathered through records and documents, we needed to work with people who could build a data platform that honours and respects our people, our stories, and voices, because this is what our data are about. We’re working with Animikii to leverage Niiwin’s core Indigenous Data Sovereignty technology to protect and manage the memories held in the records, the data. We need to ensure the truth associated with the Mohawk Institute Residential School is no longer hidden.”


The Pathways of Our Truth interactive timeline visualizes historical data as a way to unpack the History of Harm within Indigenous communities and allows them to take control of their story, and explore areas of vulnerability while developing Pathways of Healing based on traditional strengths.

“We’re developing the Pathways of Our Truth interactive timeline with hundreds of qualitative data points. Researching data as unique as this meant we needed a platform that would adapt to our needs. We’ve chosen to work with Animikii and build on their Niwiin platform that provides the cultural safety and technical innovation to make our digital tool a reality. Animikii understands the intent is not to get “lost in the harm”, but to come to terms with the historical legacy of colonialism on a regional and local level so communities and their partners can better work together to secure a brighter future.”


Rooted in Indigenous Data Sovereignty Principles.

At Animikii Indigenous Technology, we built Niiwin as a tool that can be used to support Indigenous Data Sovereignty, empowering Indigenous communities to collect and govern their own data. Our platform Niiwin can be used to reinforce these rights, ensuring privacy and access for individual and collective data use. Niiwin lets communities reclaim digital narratives and identities. We have a free eBook, #DataBack, delving into our perspective on  Indigenous Data Sovereignty. It’s a core part of our mission to foster a data landscape reflecting Indigenous experiences and needs.

We’re bringing Indigenous tech to the world.

 Learn more about Indigenous Data Sovereignty


The path to Niiwin....


We’ll be offering access to Niiwin through a private alpha later this year however the current way to work with Niiwin is through our custom software services at Animikii Indigenous Technology.

As an Indigenous-owned tech firm, we don't just build software — we build partnerships. With our unique Pathfinding process, we unite tech and Indigenous knowledge to bring impactful solutions for Indigenous communities. From first meeting to final product, our approach is built on respect, inclusivity, and empowerment.

Ready to build using Niiwin? We’re ready to talk.