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Empowering game studios to protect their players

Trust & Safety teams at game studios rely on Modulate’s tools and expertise to reduce toxicity and build better experiences for their communities.

Over 15 million hours of voice chat moderated to date
10+ Million
Moderator Actions Taken
A Women playing an online game
Trusted by:
Two Teenagers playing computer games.

Modulate helps studios navigate regulations and compliance needs

Now more than ever, game studios need to pay close attention to upcoming regulations to ensure they can become (or remain) compliant. We can help.

Code of Conduct audits
Player report correlation
Transparency Report support
Player behavior insights and risk assessments
Trust and Safety Lately image
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Modulate's ToxMod solution makes voice chat safe

ToxMod is the only proactive voice-native moderation solution available, and is deployed in AAA games + console platforms alike.

More about toxmod

Value : Cost Ratio
Churn Reduction
Moderator Productivity

Customers, partners and players love ToxMod

"Modulate has been a key partner for Riot as we've built and expanded our player dynamics strategy. The data from their platform and the insights from their team have been invaluable as we've worked to build the next generation of voice chat moderation."

Johnny King
Senior Technical Product Manager
Riot Games

"The community is loving it — overall, people are happy that toxicity is down. The amount of toxic occurrences that any player experiences has been about halved. It used to be about 70% of the time, someone would encounter something toxic. Now, with ToxMod, it has dropped down to about 35%."

Justin Liebregts
Co-founder & COO
Gun Raiders Entertainment

I continue to love this tool!  It makes everything so so easy and is impressively accurate.

Laura H.
Senior Player Support Specialist
Schell Games

Protect Every Player

ToxMod understands not just what is being said, but also whether it causes harm, helping you catch magnitudes more toxicity than player reporting and speech-to-text solutions.

More about toxmod

Full Coverage

ToxMod integrates with your player reporting systems and existing moderation tools to provide complete community protection.


ToxMod’s advanced AI intuitively understands the difference between friendly trash talk and truly harmful toxic behavior.


ToxMod’s flexibility allows you to prioritize your code of conduct and escalate the harms that matter most to your community.

Working alongside:

ADL logo
Fair Play Alliance
Family Online Safety Institute Logo
Celtics Gaming Logo
take this Logo

Proud Partners:

Keywords Studios
photon logo
Awards and Certifications:
Time 100 Fast Company World Changing IdeasBuilt In - 2023 best places to workAi 100 2023The Inspired Internet PledgeApplied Intelligence Awards Winner 2023ISO 27001 certified by schellmanISO 27001 certified by schellmanBest places to work 2023 US Game Changers 2024
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Modulate values player privacy and protection above all else

Protecting players isn't optional; but neither is protecting their privacy. Modulate does both, keeping you compliant with regulations like GDPR and COPPA while also fulfilling your duty of care around protecting vulnerable players.

ISO 27001 certified
Strict data deletion policies
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