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CMS Tips: Use row weights to rearrange chunks of content with ease
April 5, 2019

Hi <<First Name>>,

The ability to drag and drop sections in the CMS can be helpful when moving a single chunk of information up or down a single level. But when it comes to longer pages, like an Information Details page with a lot of sections or a Curated List with multiple lists, using the drag-and-drop feature can turn into a nightmare. When faced with this task, using numeric row weights can make organizing your content quick and easy.

If you need to rearrange a number of sections, click the “Show row weights” link in the top right of the first section.  
Once you’ve clicked “Show row weights,” you’ll see the blue crosshairs on the left of sections change to numerals on the right.

To change the order of your sections, click the box and choose a number to assign to that section. Choose a lower number to move it up on the page or choose a higher number to move it down.
Learn more about row weights in the Knowledge Base
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