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CMS Tips: Could your Mass.gov content use a makeover?
June 21, 2019

Announcement: 2 big CMS updates
Last night we released 2 frequently requested features to the CMS:

Hi <<First Name>>,

When Mass.gov was relaunched in late 2017, it featured a limited number of content types: Organizations, Services, Service Details, and How-tos.

Nearly 2 years later, Mass.gov features more than 20 content types, including a handful that offer various subtypes allowing for more flexibility and customization.

It’s a good practice to review your organization's content every 3-6 months to make sure all the information is still accurate, relevant, and performing well based on Analytics Dashboards (Beta) scoring indicators. While reviewing this content, it can also be beneficial to see if converting it to a different content type can improve its overall performance.

Some examples:

  • If you have a list of links or files on a Service Detail page, that content might perform better on a Curated List and look more organized

  • If you have a lot of information about a single topic on a Service Detail page, that content might perform better and have more feature choices on an Information Details page

  • If you have a lot of closely-related Information Details pages on your Service page, try using a Binder to compile all of that information in 1 place

If you’re wondering if you should switch content types, or if you’re creating new content and unsure of which content type may work best, the Mass.gov team created a Choosing the correct content type Decision Tree. This tool will ask you a few simple questions about your content and suggest 1 of our 10 most common content types.

If you have any questions about converting your content or working with a new content type, please reach out to us through ServiceNow.

Check which content type is the best for your content
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