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5-Year Programs


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  1. Professor and student work on an assignment.

    Adolescent/Students with Disabilities (Grades 7-12) - B.S./M.S. Ed.

    The five-year adolescent/students with disabilities M.S. Ed. program is a seamless path for Manhattan College undergraduate secondary education majors to obtain their master's degrees with an additional year of study.

  2. MBA student in class

    Business - B.S./MBA

    Manhattan College School of Business undergraduate students are eligible to apply for the special five-year business B.S./MBA program, in which you complete both an undergraduate degree and an MBA in five years.

  3. Teachers with balloon.

    Childhood/Special Education (Grades 1-6) - B.S./M.S. Ed.

    The five-year childhood/special education M.S. Ed. program is a seamless path for Manhattan College undergraduate childhood education majors to obtain their master's degrees with an additional year of study.

  4. MBA student in class

    Professional Accounting - B.S./MBA

    Manhattan College School of Business undergraduate students are eligible to apply for the special five-year professional accounting B.S./MBA, in which you complete both an undergraduate degree and a Masters of Business Administration in Professional Accounting in five years.