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Flavio Luciani

For a Safer Internet - Instructions to Use RPKI

Flavio Luciani
Contributors: Tiziano Tofoni

1 min read

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We wrote a user guide to help the community to understand the importance of deploying the BGP RPKI architecture and to give some practical guidelines to implement it in production networks.

This includes a description of attack types, the theory behind Resource Private Key Infrastructure (RPKI) and practical configuration examples on Cisco and Juniper platforms.

For more information please download the full document: BGP RPKI: Instructions for Use

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About the author

Flavio Luciani was born in Rome in 1981 and graduated in Computer Engineering from the University of Roma Tre in 2005. Since 2008 he has been in the team of Namex, the Internet eXchange Point in Rome, first as a member of the technical staff and since 2020 as Chief Technology Officer. He is currently involved in several initiatives in the Internet Community: he collaborates with the RIPE NCC organisation, with the association of European eXchange points EURO-IX and holds a role in the Steering Committee, within the Internet Society (ISOC) initiative, Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security. Through workshops, courses and in-depth articles, it promotes greater attention to the topic of routing security.

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