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Veteran’s Perspective: Choosing the Right Career Training for Veterans and Military Graduates

Whether you’re transitioning from active service or about to graduate and enter the civilian workforce, selecting the right career training program is crucial. The journey from military to civilian life or from military education to industry-specific roles requires careful planning and informed decisions. Here are refined strategies for both transitioning service members and military graduates seeking industry-specific training and certification.

  1. Independent Evaluations Are Key

Trust in facts, not just promises or edited testimonials. Seek programs that have been evaluated or rated by third parties. For instance, Onward to Opportunity (O2O) has been independently assessed, providing a tangible measure of its effectiveness.

  1. Define Your Career Goals First

Identify the career you aim to pursue before selecting a training program. This choice doesn’t have to align with your military role; diverse fields such as healthcare, IT, and mechanics offer rich opportunities. Consider high-growth industries or sectors with a significant demand in your area.

  1. Ensure Alignment with Your Chosen Career

Quality and relevance of training to your selected career are paramount. Programs like O2O offer a broad range of over 40 career training options, underlining the importance of finding a program that matches your career ambitions and has a track record of success among veterans and military graduates.

  1. Certification Opportunities Post-Training

A critical aspect of any program is whether it offers certification—and ideally funds it—upon completion. Insights from alumni on preparing for certification exams can be invaluable, enhancing your chances of success.

  1. Job Placement Services

Programs with strong ties to employers can significantly ease the transition by providing job placement services post-training. Organizations like Hire Heroes USA exemplify how effective support in resume writing, interview preparation, and matching veterans with job opportunities can be.

  1. Examine Starting Salaries

Investigate the potential return on investment by looking at the starting salaries of veterans who have completed the program. A higher initial salary can set a strong foundation for future financial growth.

  1. Preparation for Long-Term Career Growth

It’s not just about getting a job; it’s about embarking on a career that offers growth and fulfillment. Seek programs that not only assist in job placement but also prepare you for future opportunities, aiming for programs that have a proven track record of their graduates advancing to better positions.

So, whether you’re transitioning from military service or graduating with military education seeking specific industry training, it’s crucial to approach your next steps with a strategic mindset. By focusing on programs that offer independent evaluations, align with your career goals, provide certification, support job placement, offer promising starting salaries, and prepare you for long-term growth, you can make an informed decision that sets the stage for a successful career transition.