@article{struelens:irsn-04554690, TITLE = {{Joint EURADOS-EANM initiative for an advanced computational framework for the assessment of external dose rates from nuclear medicine patients}}, AUTHOR = {Struelens, Lara and Huet, Christelle and Broggio, David and Dabin, J{\'e}r{\'e}mie and Desorgher, Laurent and Giussani, Augusto and Li, Wei Bo and Nosske, Dietmar and Lee, Yi-Kang and Cunha, Lidia and Carapinha, Maria and Medvedec, Mario and Covens, Peter}, URL = {https://irsn.hal.science/irsn-04554690}, JOURNAL = {{EJNMMI Physics}}, PUBLISHER = {{Springer-Verlag}}, VOLUME = {11}, PAGES = {38}, YEAR = {2024}, MONTH = Apr, DOI = {10.1186/s40658-024-00638-y}, KEYWORDS = {Nuclear medicine patients ; Caregiver ; Release criteria ; Monte Carlo ; Computational models}, PDF = {https://irsn.hal.science/irsn-04554690/file/s40658-024-00638-y.pdf}, HAL_ID = {irsn-04554690}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }