%0 Unpublished work %T Cross-section measurements of neutron-induced reactions on Ge isotopes in the energy range 14.0 - 18.9 MeV %+ National Technical University of Athens, Zografos, Greece %+ Laboratoire de micro-irradiation, de métrologie et de dosimétrie neutrons (IRSN/PSE-SANTE/SDOS/LMDN) %A S., Chasapoglou %A V., Michalopoulou %A M., Kokkoris %A R., Vlastou %A M., Axiotis %A A., Lagoyannis %A C., Lederer-Woods %A Babut, Richard %A Magalotti, Nelson %8 2024-04-18 %D 2024 %Z Physics [physics]Preprints, Working Papers, ... %X The cross sections of the 70Ge(n,2n)69Ge, 72Ge(n,α)69mZn, 72Ge(n,p)72Ga, 73Ge(n,nα)69mZn, 73Ge(n,np/d)72Ga, 73Ge(n,p)73Ga, 74Ge(n,α)71mZn, 74Ge(n,np/d)73Ga and 76Ge(n,2n)75Ge reactions have been experimentally determined via the activation technique, relative to the 27Al(n,α)24Na reference reaction in the energy range between 14.0 and 18.9 MeV. The quasi-monoenergetic neutron beams were produced via the 3H(d,n)4He reaction at the neutron beam facilities of NCS “Demokritos” (Greece) and AMANDE, IRSN (France). Following the irradiations, the induced radioactivity of the samples was measured via γ-ray spectroscopy using HPGe detectors. For all the cross-section measurements, isotopically enriched Ge targets were employed, producing more accurate cross-section results in comparison with natural ones, that are most commonly used. Finally, theoretical calculations were carried out via the EMPIRE 3.2.3 code, employing a coherent set of input parameters for the simultaneous reproduction of all the aforementioned reaction channels. %G English %L irsn-04551956 %U https://irsn.hal.science/irsn-04551956 %~ IRSN %~ PSESANTE %~ SDOS %~ LMDN