%0 Conference Paper %F Oral %T Study of electrical malfunctions as a function of ambient temperature and carbon concentration %+ Laboratoire d'Expérimentation des Feux (IRSN/PSN-RES/SA2I/LEF) %A Piller, Marc %A Suard, Sylvain %< avec comité de lecture %B 4th European Symposium on Fire Safety Science – ESFSS 2024 %C Barcelona, Spain %8 2024-10-09 %D 2024 %K Electrical %K malfunction %K smokes %K fire %K temperature %K carbon %Z Physics [physics]Conference papers %X As shown in the case of real fires, smoke can cause electrical equipment to malfunction in two ways. Firstly, the rise in ambient temperature can cause components to malfunction if the gas temperature raises the intrinsic temperature of these components beyond their critical operating temperature (thermal malfunction). The soot contained in the smoke will gradually be deposited on the electronic boards; this deposition can impact the operation of the equipment in two ways: either promote the occurrence of thermal malfunction, in the event of exceeding the critical temperature of the components (the high thermal diffusivity of the soot deposition reducing the thermal inertia of the components), or generate leakage currents which disrupt the operation of the electronic boards on the surface through the formation of conductive carbon bridges. This study proposes to extend the research work, which highlighted the effect of smoke on the malfunction of electrical equipment, in real conditions, during experimental fire scenarios in a large-scale confined installation. This study presents the results obtained on the electrical malfunction of a LOREME type electrical board, obtained using an original analytical testing device making it possible to control the exposure parameters. %G English %2 https://irsn.hal.science/irsn-04529679/document %2 https://irsn.hal.science/irsn-04529679/file/Study%20of%20electrical%20equipments_ESFSS_2024_SS_MP.pdf %L irsn-04529679 %U https://irsn.hal.science/irsn-04529679 %~ IRSN %~ PSNRES %~ SA2I %~ SA2I-LEF