@article{vidal:irsn-04579686, TITLE = {{Temporal trends of plastic additive contents in sediment cores of three French rivers (Loire, Meuse and Moselle) over the last decades}}, AUTHOR = {Vidal, Alice and Seignemartin, Gabrielle and Copard, Yoann and Montarg{\`e}s-Pelletier, Emmanuelle and Ollive, Vincent and Papillon, Laure and Grenz, Christian and Eyrolle, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}rique and Semp{\'e}r{\'e}, Richard}, URL = {https://irsn.hal.science/irsn-04579686}, JOURNAL = {{Science of the Total Environment}}, PUBLISHER = {{Elsevier}}, VOLUME = {931}, PAGES = {172849}, YEAR = {2024}, MONTH = Jun, DOI = {10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.172849}, KEYWORDS = {tripropyl phosphate TiBP ; tri-iso-butyl phosphate TnBP ; tributyl-n-phosphate TCEP ; tris- ; tripropyl phosphate ; TiBP ; tri-iso-butyl phosphate ; TnBP ; tributyl-n-phosphate ; TCEP ; Organic plastic additives ; Phthalates ; Organophosphate esters ; River sedimentary archives ; Contamination trajectories ; Historical pollution}, PDF = {https://irsn.hal.science/irsn-04579686/file/TRAJECTOIRE_Article_LMM.pdf}, HAL_ID = {irsn-04579686}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }