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Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes the most important attributes of the data handling of IrishRadioLive.com and the associated Android and iOS applications. Hereinafter those will be referred to as the Applications.

Data collection and handling

The Applications collect various types of data to understand user habits and improve the user experience. The purpose of the data collection is not profiling, subsequent identification, or monetization of this data!

Types of collected data

Personal data

The Applications don't collect, or store any personal data, such as IP address or e-mail address or any other data which could be used to identify the user of the Applications. Thus, the data collected can't be used for the identification of the user later on.

Cookie Policy

Cookies are information packages, which can help increase the user experience. There are several types of cookies. Some types are deleted automatically after closing the browser, and some types are being deleted only if the user deletes them manually. The cookies are placed in the browser by the website's server, or by the application even when offline.

By the cookies, our website remembers your sort in the radio list, and next time you'll get your previously set radio order. The cookie remembers if you have changed the radio-server, and your favourite marked radios too. Therefore in case of page refresh, you don't have to choose other server again, and your favourites will be remembered.

Data transfer / Selling data

The data collected by the Applications is not transferred or sold to third parties.

Data security

The mails and data sent via the Applications are forwarded through a safe https channel. This means that the data cannot be accessed by others.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics as an external third party service on the website to observe the user habits in order to identify the location and the type of device the website was accessed with. It is very important to point out that this data cannot be associated with a particular user and therefore the user cannot be traced back. You can find the Google Analytics Privacy Policy here: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?ref_topic=2919631


We use Google Firebase as an external third party service in our Android and IOS applications, to observe the user habits in order to identify the location and the type of device the application was accessed with. It is very important to point out that this data cannot be associated with a particular user and therefore the user cannot be traced back. You can find the Google Firebase Privacy Policy here: https://firebase.google.com/support/privacy/

Adsense / Admob

We use the Google Adsense as advertising service on the website, and we use Google Admob as advertising service in the IOS and Android applications. You can find the Google Adsense Privacy Policy and the Google Admob Privacy Policy here: https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/7666366


The cover pictures displayed on the website partly served by YouTube's service. You can find the YouTube Privacy Policy here:https://www.youtube.com/t/terms, you can find the Google Privacy Policy here: https://policies.google.com/privacy.


If you have any questions about the Privacy Policy, please choose from the contact options below!

IrishRadioLive Android Application: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ie.myonlineradio.onlineradioapplication
IrishRadioLive iOS Application: https://itunes.apple.com/ie/app/irish-radio-live-ireland/id1507931850
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/irishradiolivecom
E-mail: info[kukac]irishradiolive.com

Last update: 01.04.2019