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CMS stands for Content Management System. It is a software application or platform that allows individuals or businesses to create, manage, and publish digital content on the web. A CMS simplifies the process of website creation and content management by providing a user-friendly interface and a set of tools for organizing, editing, and publishing content.
Popular examples of CMS platforms include WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, and Magento. Each CMS has its own strengths, features, and community support, so the choice of CMS depends on factors such as the specific requirements of the website, scalability needs, technical expertise, and budget.

Hypestat recognises 361 technologies in this category

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WordPress Wix Sitefinity Squarespace Joomla Drupal Weebly TYPO3 CMS 1C-Bitrix GoDaddy Website Builder Tilda Adobe Experience Manager Jimdo DataLife Engine Progress Sitefinity DNN Contentful Craft CMS Contao Cargo Ghost MODX HubSpot CMS Hub BoldGrid Concrete5 Microsoft SharePoint SilverStripe Duda SPIP Google Sites Odoo Liferay DedeCMS Business Catalyst Woltlab Community Framework Sitecore Plone Pimcore Kentico CMS CMS Made Simple XpressEngine Strato Website Grav WebsPlanet eZ Publish Umbraco UMI.CMS Concrete CMS Strikingly WebNode Bloomreach ExpressionEngine Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware MotoCMS Orchard CMS Movable Type Brightspot Dynamicweb SDL Tridion Skolengo Squiz Matrix Neos CMS phpwind TownNews Prismic InstantCMS OpenCms Optimizely Content Management Bolt Bentobox ProcessWire October CMS XOOPS Mura CMS Webzi e107 MemberStack Botble CMS eSyndiCat Statamic Sulu CMSimple PHP-Nuke Storyblok Amiro.CMS PhotoShelter DatoCMS Contenido DM Polopoly a-blog cms AMP Plugin ImpressPages Kotisivukone Koken EPiServer Moguta.CMS Nukeviet CMS Pagekit MaxSite CMS Quick.CMS PyroCMS LiveStreet CMS Weblium Indexhibit Bolt CMS Skilldo Jahia DX Serendipity SiteEdit webEdition Subrion E-monsite Halo Simplébo OpenNemas imperia CMS Orchard Core Mambo GetSimple CMS Pligg Fork CMS Kooboo CMS Locomotive Contensis 3dCart Hatena Blog Sitevision CMS Thelia Textpattern CMS Chorus Danneo CMS Weblication OpenElement Backdrop IBM WebSphere Portal Builder.io RockRMS RebelMouse Sarka-SPIP Scorpion Cotonti govCMS BIGACE Strapi Simplébo Sanity MYPAGE Platform Mono.net Jalios WebGUI Green Valley CMS Flazio Milestone CMS Quintype FlexCMP Methode PHP-Fusion Ckan Proximis Omnichannel ISAY Solodev Ibexa DXP SIMsite PlatformOS Vignette WebsiteBaker LocomotiveCMS CPG Dragonfly Amplience Kontent.ai SiteManager PubLive Ametys RCMS GX WebManager PencilBlue Website Creator sNews Shuttle CoreMedia Content Cloud Vigbo Varbase Azko CMS Voog.com Website Builder eZ Platform Percussion OpenText Web Solutions Hinza Advanced CMS Enjin CMS AsciiDoc Coaster CMS Posterous pirobase CMS BOOM SeamlessCMS iEXExchanger Smartstore Page Builder Arc Publishing CppCMS Django CMS Eleanor CMS PHPFusion Omni CMS NexusPHP ReadMe ContentBox Lithium RBS Change Antee IPO Roadiz CMS TiddlyWiki BrowserCMS ImpressCMS Rayo Siteglide GraphCMS Lede ButterCMS Sitecore Experience Platform Dotclear Graffiti CMS LEPTON onpublix Ektron CMS Koala Framework microCMS Batflat Phoenix Site Chameleon Nepso Public CMS papaya CMS Elcom enduro.js Chameleon system Sivuviidakko SmartSite phpSQLiteCMS Brownie HCL Digital Experience Proximis Unified Commerce Directus Cendyn Prepr Koobi Twilight CMS Rocket Scrivito Shift4Shop Hotaru CMS LightMon Engine Pars Elecom Portal Translucide uKnowva Sitepark IES Cosmic InProces Indico S.Builder Duopana Griddo Sapren Ebasnet phpRS Cloudrexx Banshee Kolibri CMS Melis CMS V2 Ophal Pingoteam VIVVO Wolf CMS swift.engine AquilaCMS Melis Platform SolidPixels Sotel Arc XP DeskPro Pixieset Website Webzie Congressus Sitepark InfoSite Caisy K-Sup ApostropheCMS DTG DovetailWRP Homeland Komodo CMS Mozard Suite Mynetcap PANSITE Pagevamp RiteCMS Scenari Silva SpinCMS Telescope TN Express Web Ushahidi WHMCS WebPublisher Webs Woosa io4 CMS openEngine phpCMS uCore uCoz wisyCMS Redaxscript Builder Corebine FaraPy Google My Business Live Story Wagtail eClass experiencedCMS Aksara CMS Contentstack Essent SiteBuilder Pro Popmenu Shopistry Cratejoy Huberway MAAK Megagroup CMS.S3 Pixnet Gnuboard Lieferando MGPanel PizzaNetz REDAXO React Bricks NationBuilder Omurga Sistemi Reactive BigTree CMS BoidCMS ERPNext MaxenceDEVCMS OpenCities Unicorn Platform Wuilt Business Website Builder LGC Marketpath CMS Omeka SIDEARM Sports Suncel AbhiCMS AlvandCMS Arya CMS ClientXCMS Pagefai CMS Paymenter Rubedo Tistory Adobe Experience Manager Franklin