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Your YouVersion Account


Your YouVersion account gives you a secure place to save Prayers, keep track of Plans you’re subscribed to, Badges you’ve earned, add Verse Images, save your Highlights, Bookmarks, Notes, connect with Friends, and more. You can access your YouVersion account from any device that supports the Bible App, and at Bible.com.

We provide every aspect of YouVersion completely free, with no strings attached and no advertising: free to individual users, and free to our Bible and content partners. Although you can use YouVersion without an account, many Bible App features only work if you have one.

Refer to YouVersion’s Privacy Policy to see the many ways that we protect your privacy and your data. Refer to YouVersion’s Terms of Use to learn your rights and responsibilities for using YouVersion’s services.
You can now read The Bible App in Open Dyslexic font - a typeface designed to mitigate some of the common reading errors caused by dyslexia.

How to access:
1. Open the Bible reader tab and select the "Aa" at the top center (Android) or right corner (iOS).
2. Click on the font window and scroll down and select the "Open Dyslexic" font.
3. Swipe the Font box downwards to finish

Install the Bible App

Android, iOS:

  1. Open the Play Store/App Store on your device.
  2. Select the Search field.
  3. In the Search field, search for YouVersion.
  4. Make sure you are looking at the correct Bible App:
  • Made by Life.Church—with a dot between Life and Church.
  • Android: The app called YouVersion Bible App + Audio, Offline, Daily Study.
  • iOS: The app called simply, Bible.
    Again, make sure you are looking at YouVersion’s Bible app. Many apps use deceptive wording and make their logo look like YouVersion’s to try to trick you into installing their app. Many of these apps make money by showing you ads, and/or by selling your data. Our app contains no ads, and we work hard to protect your privacy and protect your data.
    The first several rows of Apple’s App Store search results contain advertisements, indicated with a small label:   Ad  . To ensure that you do not accidentally install an app made to look like YouVersion’s, we recommend that you do not select any entries labeled   Ad  .
  1. Android:
    Select Install.
    Select Get.

Sign Up for a New Account


The first time you open the app:

  1. Recommended: Select Sign Up.
    Optional: Select Continue with Google.
    If you select Continue with Google, follow the prompts to sign in using that service.

Android, iOS:


  1. Top right: Select the Person icon.
  2. Select Sign Up.
  3. Recommended: Select Continue with Email.
    Optional: Select Continue with Google, Facebook, or Apple.
    If you select Continue with Google, Facebook, or Apple, follow the prompts to sign in using whichever service you selected.
  4. If you select Continue with Email (Recommended):
    Follow the prompts to create your account.
    Your password is case-sensitive, and must be 6-32 characters.
    We recommend that you create a unique password for your YouVersion account. We also recommend that you save your password with a password management tool, so you can easily find it again if you need to.
    If you allow the Strong Password tool to generate a password for you, it will be saved to your iCloud Keychain and will AutoFill on all iOS devices you sign into with your Apple ID. Signing up with Apple will create an account with a hidden email, and Bible translation will not be downloaded (if you intend to download a translation then choose a different sign-up method).
  5. Select Sign Up.
    YouVersion sends a confirmation email to the address you used to create your account.
  6. Check your email, and select the link in the confirmation message.
    It may take several minutes for your confirmation email to arrive. If you don’t receive it, try these troubleshooting steps: I don’t see the YouVersion email I expected
    After you have confirmed your email address:
    In the app:


  1. Top right: Select Sign Up.
  2. Recommended: Complete the form to Sign Up with Email.
    YouVersion sends a confirmation email to the address you used to create your account.
    Passwords are case-sensitive. Your password must be 6-32 characters.
    We recommend that you create a unique password for your YouVersion account. We also recommend that you save your password with a password management tool, so you can easily find it again if you need to.
    Optional: Select Sign Up with Facebook, Google, or Apple.
    If you sign up with Facebook, Google, or Apple, follow the prompts to sign up using whichever service you selected.

If you signed up with email (recommended):

  1. Check your email, and select the link in the confirmation message.
    It may take several minutes for your confirmation email to arrive. If you don’t receive it, try these troubleshooting steps: I don’t see the YouVersion email I expected
    After you have confirmed your email address:
  2. You can Sign In to your new account.

Sign In

Android, iOS:

  1. Bottom left: Select Home.
  2. iOS:Top right: Select the Person icon.
    Android: Top right Select Sign in then select Or sign in
If you see your Profile Picture (or your Initial), you are already signed in.
  1. Recommended: Select Email.
    Optional: Select Google, Facebook, or Apple (iOS only).
    Be sure to sign in using the same method you used when you Signed Up for your account. Do not sign in with Facebook, Google, or Apple (iOS only) unless that was the method you used to sign up in the first place.
    We recommend signing in with your Email address, using a password that is unique to your free YouVersion account. We also recommend that you save your password with a password management tool, so you can easily find it again if you need to.
  2. Select Sign In on iOS and Bible.com and continue on Android

Sign Out

The procedure below will have you sign out of the Bible App. Before you do this, make sure you know how you are currently signed in, whether with your email and password, or with Facebook, Google, or Apple.

Android, iOS:

  1. Bottom left: Select Home.
  2. Top right: Select your Profile Picture (or Initial).
  3. Top right: Select or .
  4. Android:
    Select Sign Out.
    Select Sign Out, then select Sign Out to confirm.


  1. Top right: Select your Profile Picture (or Initial).
  2. Select Sign Out.

Set Your Default Language(s)

If you only want to change the language you’re using for Bible Text, you can easily do that in the Bible Reader Tab at any time. Here’s how

What’s your heart language—the language that you think in, the language you dream in? Most people learn best when they read or listen in their heart language.

We want to help as many people as possible build a daily habit of seeking God. That’s why we’re constantly working to add more language options to our apps. (That’s also why we’re so passionate about supporting Bible translation.)

This procedure explains how to select which default language(s) you want to use in the app:

  • App Interface. Buttons, menus, and text inside the app and daily refresh, as well as in the communications you receive from YouVersion (such as emails and push notifications).
  • Bible Text. The language you use to read or listen to the Bible.
  • Plan Text. The language you use to search, read or listen to Plan devotional content.
Our app defaults to the language you set for your device. If YouVersion does not currently support your language, then it defaults to English.
Because Bible.com is accessed through a web browser, it handles languages differently. (See below.)

If you are not already signed in to your free YouVersion account, Sign In now.

Android, iOS:

  1. Bottom right: Select More (≡), Language.
  2. Select the language you want to use for each aspect of the app:
    1. App Interface
      Be careful to select the App Interface language that you actually want. If you accidentally change the App Interface to a language that you don’t know, navigating the menus to change it back can be difficult.
      When you change the App Interface language, a file for that language is downloaded to your device. You can remove unwanted languages by returning to this menu and selecting Remove.
      When you change the App Interface language, the app will notify you that you will need to restart the Bible App for your language change to take effect. You will need to confirm the change and then reopen the app to complete this procedure.
    2. Bible Text
      Bible Text and Plan Text:
      Speaker icons indicate languages that feature an audio option.
    3. Plan Text
      Not all Plans are available in all languages. Many of the Plans YouVersion offers are translated by volunteers. Here’s how to volunteer


  1. Top right: Select the language you want to use to navigate Bible.com.
  2. Top middle: Select the current Bible version abbreviation. A pop-up window displays Versions you have used recently, followed by other Versions available in your currently selected language.
    Speaker icons indicate Bible versions that feature an audio option.
  3. Select Change Language to see a list of all available languages, sorted alphabetically (in English).
  4. Scroll to see all available languages, or begin typing the language you’re looking for in the Filter Languages field.
  5. Select the language you want to use for Bible text. All Bible versions available in that language are listed alphabetically.
    Speaker icons indicate Bible versions that feature an audio option.
  6. Select the Bible version you want to use.
    Bottom middle:
    Select Versions to see a list of all Bible Versions we currently offer. Select Languages to see a list of all languages we currently offer.

Edit Your Profile

The information you choose to share in your Profile helps your Friends find you in the app, and lets you express your unique personality. Here’s what you can update:

Visible to Other People

Anyone who is signed in to the app will be able to see the things you choose to fill out in this section.

  • Picture. (optional) Most people like to use a picture of themselves or of their family, but your picture can be anything you want. If you don’t upload a picture, the app simply shows a circle with your first and last initial (based on your First Name, Last Name fields). To add or change your Profile Picture, select it and follow the prompts.
    If you do add a picture, you can replace it anytime with a different picture, but you cannot delete it.
    Available on Bible.com under Settings, Change Picture.
  • Name. (required) First name and last name. If you prefer more privacy, you can just put your initials in these fields.
  • Location. (optional) Most people put the town where they live in this field (Visible only to friends and not when searching for someone).
  • Bio. (optional) Anything you want to share about yourself.

Private Information

Only you can see the things you put in this section.

If you are not already signed in to your free YouVersion account, Sign In now.

Android, iOS:

  1. Bottom left: Select Home.
  2. Top right: Select your Profile Picture (or Initial).
  3. Top right: Select or .
  4. Select Edit Profile.
  5. Change the fields you want to change.
  6. Top right: Select Save.


  1. Top right: Select Profile Picture or Initials.
  2. Left: Select Select Account Settings.
  3. Change the fields you want to change.
  4. Select Update Profile.
    These fields are available only on Bible.com:
    • ZIP/Postal code (optional)
    • Country or Region
    • Timezone

Customize Your Notifications

We constantly develop new content designed to help you seek God throughout your day. Meanwhile, your community of friends in the app is growing together spiritually by sharing experiences. This procedure will help you set up which updates you want the app to send you, wherever they will be the most helpful to you.

Your Notification Settings are private. Other people who use the Bible App cannot see which notifications you choose to receive.
The Unsubscribe option at the bottom of any YouVersion email will open the Email Notifications in your app, or take you to the Manage Notifications page at Bible.com (Sign In required), depending on the settings of the device you are using when you select the link.
Verse of the Day is not under Notification Settings. Here's how to set up your Verse of the Day subscription

If you are not already signed in to your free YouVersion account, Sign In now.

Android, iOS:

  1. Bottom left: Select Home.
  2. Top right: Select your Profile Picture (or Initial), or select the bell icon.
  3. Top right: Select or , or or the Settings Gear Icon.
  4. Select Notification Settings.
  5. Select Email Notifications and customize which notifications you want sent to your email.
  6. When you finish customizing there:
    Select .
    Select <.
  7. Select Push Notifications and customize which notifications you want sent to your device.
  8. When you finish customizing:
    Select .
    Select <.
    Your changes to your Notification Settings are saved.


  1. Top right: Select Select Profile Picture or Initials.
  2. Left: Select Account Settings.
  3. Select manage notifications.
  4. Select Update Notifications.
    Your changes to your Notification Settings are saved.

Still getting emails from a Plan you’re doing with Friends? Here’s how to change individual Plans with Friends settings

The procedures above help you customize which notifications your YouVersion app sends to you. To change the overall notification settings for your device:
iPod touch

Set Up Your Verse of the Day Subscription

Subscribe and seek.

Just as your body needs physical food, your soul needs spiritual food. YouVersion can help you feed yourself with the Verse of the Day, a daily Bible verse that we select to inspire you, encourage you, or challenge you. Just pick a time and select which Bible version you want, and Verse of the Day will come to you, wherever you are.

If you are not already signed in to your free YouVersion account, Sign In now.

Android, iOS:

  1. Bottom right: Select More (≡), Verse of the Day.
  2. Top right: Select Settings (the gear icon).
  3. To receive the Bible text-only version of the Verse of the Day:
    Turn on Get Daily Email and/or Get Daily Push Notification, and specify the time of day and Bible Version you would like for each.
  4. To receive the shareable image version of the Verse of the Day:
    Turn on Get Daily Email and/or Get Daily Push Notification, and specify the time of day and Bible Version you would like for each.
To stop receiving Verse of the Day, simply switch it off.


  1. Top right: Select Profile Picture or Initials.
  2. Left: Select Account Settings.
  3. Select Verse of the Day Subscription.
  4. Specify the Bible Version you want to receive, and the time of day when you would like to receive it.
  5. Select Subscribe.
To stop receiving Verse of the Day, simply select Unsubscribe.

You can also find our Verse of the Day (including previous days) on our social media:
We also offer daily Prayers:

Change Your Password

If you know your current password for your free YouVersion account, the procedure below will help you change it.

If you don’t remember your current password, refer to the I forgot my password section in this document.
If you Sign In to YouVersion using Facebook, Google, or Apple, that is a different password than the one for your free YouVersion account. If you want to change your password for one of those accounts, follow the procedure recommended by that service:
Facebook: How to change your Facebook password
Google: How to change your Google account password
Apple: How to change your Apple ID password

Before you begin the procedure below, Sign In to your free YouVersion account, if you are not already signed in.

Android, iOS:

  1. Bottom left: Select Home.
  2. Top right: Select your Profile Picture (or Initial).
  3. Top right: Select or .
  4. Select Edit Profile.
  5. Android:
    Select Edit Password.
    Select Change Password.
  6. Enter your Current Password into the first field.
  7. Enter your New Password into the second field.
    Passwords are case-sensitive. Your password must be 6-32 characters.
    We recommend that you use a unique password for your YouVersion account. We also recommend that you save your password with a password management tool, so you can easily find it again if you need to.
  8. Android:
    Select Change.
    Select Save.
    Your password is changed.


  1. Top right: Select Profile Picture or Initials.
  2. Left: Select Account Settings.
  3. Enter your Current Password into the first field.
  4. Enter your New Password into the second field.
  5. Confirm your New Password into the third field.
    Passwords are case-sensitive. Your password must be 6-32 characters.
    We recommend that you use a unique password for your YouVersion account. We also recommend that you save your password with a password management tool, so you can easily find it again if you need to.
  6. Select Change My Password.
    Your password is changed.

If You Forget Your Password

The procedure below will help you reset your password for your free YouVersion account, if you are signed in using an email address (recommended).

If you Sign In to YouVersion using Facebook, Google, or Apple, you don’t need a separate password. If you want to reset your password for one of those accounts, follow the procedure recommended by that service:
Facebook: How to reset your Facebook password
Google: How to reset your Google account password
Apple: How to reset your Apple ID password

Before you begin the procedure below, Sign Out of your free YouVersion account, if you have not already signed out.

Android, iOS:

  1. Bottom left: Select Home.
  2. Top right: Select the Person icon.
  3. Android:
    Bottom: Select Sign In.
  4. Select Continue with Email.
  5. Select Forgot Password?
  6. Enter the Email Address associated with your free YouVersion account and select Send.
    YouVersion sends a reset password email to the address you provided.
  7. Check your email, and select Reset Password in the message.
    The Change My Password screen displays.
    It may take several minutes for your confirmation email to arrive. If you never receive your confirmation email, try these troubleshooting steps before you continue.
  8. Enter your New Password into the first field, Confirm it by typing it again into the second field, then select Change My Password.
    Passwords are case-sensitive. Your password must be 6-32 characters.
    We recommend that you create a unique password for your YouVersion account. We also recommend that you save your password with a password management tool, so you can easily find it again if you need to.
  9. As soon as you see a Success message:
    You can Sign In using your new password.


  1. Top right: Select Profile Picture or Initials.
  2. Bottom: Select Forgot your password?
  3. Enter the Email Address or Username associated with your free YouVersion account and select Send New Password.
    YouVersion sends a “Reset Password” email to the address you provided.
  4. Check your email, and select Reset Password in the message.
    The Change My Password screen displays.
    It may take several minutes for your confirmation email to arrive. If you never receive your confirmation email, try these troubleshooting steps before you continue.
  5. Enter your New Password into the first field, Confirm it by typing it again into the second field, then select Change My Password.
    Passwords are case-sensitive. Your password must be 6-32 characters.
    We recommend that you create a unique password for your YouVersion account. We also recommend that you save your password with a password management tool, so you can easily find it again if you need to.
  6. As soon as you see a Success message:
    You can Sign In using your new password.

Change Your Email Address

The procedure below will help you change the email address you have associated with your free YouVersion account, if you are signed in using an email address.

If you sign in to YouVersion using Facebook, Google, or Apple, those accounts have their own procedures for changing the email address you have associated with them. If you need to reset your password for one of those accounts, you will need follow the procedures recommended by that service:
Facebook: How to change the email associated with your Facebook account
Google: How to change the email addresses associated with your Google account
Apple: How to change your Apple ID to a different email address

If you are not already signed in to your free YouVersion account, Sign In now.

Android, iOS:

  1. Bottom left: Select Home.
  2. Top right: Select your Profile Picture (or Initial).
  3. Top right: Select or .
  4. Select Edit Profile.
  5. Change the address in the Email field to the one you want to use now.
  6. Android:
    Select Save.
    Select Send.
    YouVersion sends a confirmation email to the address you just provided.
  7. Check your email, and select the link in the confirmation message.
    It may take several minutes for your confirmation email to arrive. If you don’t receive it, try these troubleshooting steps: I don’t see the YouVersion email I expected
After you confirm your email, you will need to Sign Out and then Sign In again before your Profile page will show the changed address.


  1. Top right: Select Profile Picture or Initials.
  2. Select Account Settings.
  3. Left: Select Change Password.
  4. Change the Address in the Email field to the one you want to use now.
  5. Select Change Email Address.
    YouVersion sends a confirmation email to the address you just provided.
  6. Check your email, and select the link in the confirmation message.
    It may take several minutes for your confirmation email to arrive. If you don’t receive it, try these troubleshooting steps: I don’t see the YouVersion email I expected
After you confirm your email, you will need to Sign Out and then Sign In again before your Profile screen will show the changed address.

Uninstall the Bible App


  1. Open the Play Store on your device.
  2. Select the Search field.
  3. In the Search field, search for YouVersion.
  4. Select the icon for The Bible App by Life.Church.
  5. Select Uninstall.

See Google’s Android website for more details


  1. Home screen: Touch and hold the Bible app icon.
  2. Select Remove App.
  3. Select Delete App, then select Delete to confirm.

See Apple’s Support website for more details

Delete Your Free YouVersion Account

We’re sorry to see you go. Even if you decide to delete your account, we sincerely hope you will continue looking for ways to seek God every day.

Deleting your account permanently removes all your Prayers, Plan records, Badges, Verse Images, Highlights, Bookmarks, Notes, Friend activity such as comments and likes—everything in your YouVersion account. When you complete this procedure, none of those items will be recoverable.
You cannot delete your free YouVersion account from the Android app. You can only delete your account at Bible.com and on the iOS app:
  1. In a web browser, visit Bible.com.
  2. Top right: Select Sign In.
  3. Sign In with the credentials for the account you want to delete:
    Email and password, or Facebook, Google, or Apple.
    Here's how to Sign In
  4. Top right: Select your Profile Picture (or Initial).
  5. Left: Select Delete Account.
  6. Enter your Password.
  7. Select Delete My YouVersion Account.
    Your YouVersion account is permanently removed, along with all activity and data related to your account.

Here's how to delete your account on iOS:

  1. Select More on the bottom menu.
  2. Select your profile pciture or intiails at the top.
  3. Select the three dots in the top right corner.
  4. Select Edit Profile.
  5. Under Private Info, you should see Delete Account.

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