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About your email and phone number discoverability privacy settings


Your email address and phone number

Often the best connections on X are with people you already know. In order to help you make those connections, we use your email address and phone number to make your account discoverable to others. You can control whether others can find you on X by your email address or phone number by adjusting your discoverability privacy settings (instructions below). If you turn off the settings that let others find you by your email address or phone number, X will also not use your address book contacts (if you have chosen to upload them) to suggest your account to others. 

How would others find me by my email address or phone number?

If someone has your email address or phone number in their contacts, they may find your account when they upload those contacts to X. Your account may also appear as a suggestion for others to follow if your email address or phone number is included in the contacts that others have uploaded. Learn more about account suggestions.

To turn off the settings that let others find you by your email address or phone number
For IOS:
Step 1

Tap the navigation menu icon.

Step 2

Tap Settings and privacy, then tap Privacy and safety.

Step 3

Under Discoverability and contacts you can adjust your settings to Let others find you by your email and Let others find you by your phone.

For Android:
Step 1

In the top menu, you will either see a navigation menu icon  or your profile icon. Tap whichever icon you have.

Step 2

Tap Settings and privacy, then tap Privacy and safety.

Step 3

Under Discoverability and contacts, you can adjust your settings to Let others find you by your email and Let others find you by your phone.

For Desktop:
Step 1

Navigate to your Privacy and safety settings.

Step 2

Next to the Discoverability section, you’ll see the following options:

Step 3

Let people who have your email address find you on X

Step 4

Let people who have your phone number find you on X

Step 5

Check or uncheck one or both options.

Step 6

Changes are automatically saved.

On mobile.twitter.com:
Step 1
Tap on your profile photo.
Step 2

Tap Settings and privacy, then tap Privacy and safety.

Step 3

Under Discoverability and contacts, tap Discoverability and contacts.

Step 4

You will see the following options:

Step 5
Let others find you by your email
Step 6

Let others find you by your phone

Step 7

Uncheck one or both options.

Will my email address or phone number be publicly displayed on X?

No, your email address and phone number are not publicly displayed on X, even if you have enabled the setting that lets others find you by your email address or phone number.

What if I have multiple X accounts associated with the same phone number?

You can have multiple X accounts associated with the same phone number. Each account has its own setting to control whether others can find you by your phone number. Others will be able to find all accounts associated with the same phone number that have this setting enabled.

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