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How to update the phone number on your account

An accurate and up-to-date phone number is an important step you can take toward improved account security.

Update your phone number
Step 1

From the navigation menu, tap Settings and privacy.

Step 2

Tap Account.

Step 3

Tap Phone number and select Update number.

Step 4

Follow the prompt to update your phone number on the keypad.

Note: To delete your current number, tap Phone number, select Delete number, then tap Yes, delete to confirm.

Step 1

In the top menu, you will either see a navigation menu icon  or your profile icon. Tap whichever icon you have, and select Settings and privacy.

Step 2

Tap Account.

Step 3

Tap Phone number.

Step 4

Follow the prompt to update your phone number on the keypad. 

Note: To delete your current number, tap Phone number, select Delete number, then tap Yes, delete to confirm.

Step 1

In the side menu, click More, then click Settings and privacy.

Step 2

From the Your account tab, click on Account information.

Step 3

Click on Phone.

Step 4

Beneath your current phone number, click Update phone number.

Step 5

You’ll be prompted to enter your password then click Next.

Step 6

Update your phone number and click Next.

Step 7

We will send a code (via SMS text message) to your phone number. Enter it in the Verification code box and click Verify.

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