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Accented characters

Interface and your keyboard does not allow you to type them directly, you may use the following HTML codes instead. For example to enter the title Léon (1994) you may use Léon (1994)

If you need to transliterate Russian (Cyrillic) characters, there is a separate guide covering that.

HTML codes supported by the IMDb interfaces
&lt;< &gt;> &amp;& &quot;" &AElig;Æ
&Aacute;Á &Acirc;Â &Agrave;À &Aring;Å &Atilde;Ã
&Auml;Ä &Ccedil;Ç &ETH;Ð &Eacute;É &Ecirc;Ê
&Egrave;È &Euml;Ë &Iacute;Í &Icirc;Î &Igrave;Ì
&Iuml;Ï &Ntilde;Ñ &Oacute;Ó &Ocirc;Ô &Ograve;Ò
&Oslash;Ø &Otilde;Õ &Ouml;Ö &THORN;Þ &Uacute;Ú
&Ucirc;Û &Ugrave;Ù &Uuml;Ü &Yacute;Ý &aacute;á
&acirc;â &aelig;æ &agrave;à &aring;å &atilde;ã
&auml;ä &ccedil;ç &eacute;é &ecirc;ê &egrave;è
&eth;ð &euml;ë &iacute;í &icirc;î &igrave;ì
&iuml;ï &ntilde;ñ &oacute;ó &ocirc;ô &ograve;ò
&oslash;ø &otilde;õ &ouml;ö &szlig;ß &thorn;þ
&uacute;ú &ucirc;û &ugrave;ù &uuml;ü &yacute;ý
&yuml;ÿ &acute;´ &brvbar;¦ &cedil;¸ &cent;¢
&copy;© &curren;¤ &deg;° &divide;÷ &frac12;½
&frac14;¼ &frac34;¾ &iexcl;¡ &iquest;¿ &laquo;«
&macr;¯ &micro;µ &middot;· &nbsp;  &not;¬
&ordf;ª &ordm;º &para; &plusmn;± &pound;£
&raquo;» &reg;® &sect;§ &shy;­ &sup1;¹
&sup2;² &sup3;³ &times;× &uml;¨ &yen;¥
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