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Google Cloud Armor enabled ingress

The following recipe provides a walk-through for setting up GKE Ingress with Google Cloud Armor protection.

Google Cloud Armor protects your applications and websites against denial of service and web attacks. Since GKE Ingresses use proxy-based Google Cloud HTTP(s) Load Balancers, protection against L3 and L4 DDos attacks is enabled by default.

Applications can be also protected with Layer7 filtering by using Google Cloud Armor security policies. Once Google Cloud Armor security policy is configured, it can be used to protect services associated with a given ingress.

Use cases

  • Protect backend services at the networking edge with Layer7 filtering rules

Relevant documentation

Versions & Compatibility

  • GKE version 1.19.10+ (for GA of this feature)
  • Works with External Ingress (single-cluster)
  • Tested and validated with GKE version 1.19.10 on Jul 2nd 2021


Google Cloud Armor protection is integrated with ingress for GKE by leveraging BackendConfig CRD. This object is associated with a given service and allows to specify configuration for HTTPs Load Balancer that handles incoming traffic. Google Cloud Armor policy can be can be enabled for a service by specifying securityPolicy block with name key that defines name of the policy that will be applied.

NOTE: GKE creates default backend service upon cluster creation. This default service returns 404 HTTP response code and is used on any Ingress as a default destination for unmatched requests - unless defaultBackend field with custom service is specified. Keep in mind that GKE default backend service has no associated BackendConfig by default, so you need to configure CloudArmor policy for it explicitly.

NOTE: applying cloud.google.com/backend-config annotation on an existing service, that is associated with an existing Ingress, makes no changes on underlying backend service. Refer to following issue for details.



  1. Create a Google Cloud Armor policy (check Configuring Google Cloud Armor security policies guide). In this example, we create a Cloud Armor policy allow-my-ip that only allow one specific IP(, and block all other traffics with 403 responses.

  2. (Optional) Enable Google CloudArmor policy on a default-http-backend service

    • Create BackendConfig in a kube-system namespace. Substitute example policy name with your CloudArmor policy name

      cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - -n kube-system
      apiVersion: cloud.google.com/v1
      kind: BackendConfig
        name: cloudarmor-test
          name: allow-my-ip
    • Annotate default-http-backend service in a kube-system namespace with a newly created BackendConfig

      kubectl annotate services default-http-backend \
      beta.cloud.google.com/backend-config='{"default": "cloudarmor-test"}' -n kube-system
  3. Replace $POLICY_NAME variable in cloudarmor-ingress.yaml file with your Google CloudArmor policy name<YOUR_POLICY_NAME>.

    sed -i'.bak' 's/$POLICY_NAME/<YOUR_POLICY_NAME>/g' cloudarmor-ingress.yaml
  4. Apply cloudarmor-ingress.yaml file

    $ kubectl apply -f cloudarmor-ingress.yaml
    ingress.networking.k8s.io/cloudarmor-test created
    backendconfig.cloud.google.com/cloudarmor-test created
    service/whereami created
    deployment.apps/whereami created
  5. Wait until all created objects reach desired state

kubectl describe ingress
Name:             cloudarmor-test
Labels:           <none>
Namespace:        default
Ingress Class:    <none>
Default backend:  <default>
  Host        Path  Backends
  ----        ----  --------
              /whereami   whereami:80 (,,
Annotations:  ingress.kubernetes.io/backends:
              ingress.kubernetes.io/forwarding-rule: k8s2-fr-20aeohkx-default-cloudarmor-test-0aa8l6ah
              ingress.kubernetes.io/target-proxy: k8s2-tp-20aeohkx-default-cloudarmor-test-0aa8l6ah
              ingress.kubernetes.io/url-map: k8s2-um-20aeohkx-default-cloudarmor-test-0aa8l6ah
              kubernetes.io/ingress.class: gce
  Type     Reason     Age                  From                     Message
  ----     ------     ----                 ----                     -------
  Normal   Sync       19m                  loadbalancer-controller  UrlMap "k8s2-um-20aeohkx-default-cloudarmor-test-0aa8l6ah" created
  Normal   Sync       19m                  loadbalancer-controller  TargetProxy "k8s2-tp-20aeohkx-default-cloudarmor-test-0aa8l6ah" created
  Normal   Sync       19m                  loadbalancer-controller  ForwardingRule "k8s2-fr-20aeohkx-default-cloudarmor-test-0aa8l6ah" created
  Normal   IPChanged  19m                  loadbalancer-controller  IP is now
  Normal   Sync       9m37s (x7 over 20m)  loadbalancer-controller  Scheduled for sync
  1. Verify the policy is acting as expected by sending traffic to our Ingress VIP. We should expect connection from the IP specified in the policy with path /whereami to receive a whereami response, whereas connections from different IPs with the same path generating 403s(based on the configured Cloud Armor policy). If step 2 is skipped, requests with non-matching paths should generate 404 responses from the default backend, no matter we are using allowed or blocked IPs. Otherwise, requests using blocked IPs would act depends on the Cloud Armor policy specification(in this example, we should receive 403s), and default 404 response is only received from IPs that allows traffics.

Using allowed IP


Using blocked IP

<!doctype html><meta charset="utf-8"><meta name=viewport content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"><title>403</title>403 Forbidden


kubectl delete -f internal-ingress-basic.yaml

If step2 is performed, also delete the BackendConfig and remove annotation for default-http-backend in the kube-system namespace,

kubectl delete backendconfig  cloudarmor-test -n kube-system

kubectl annotate services default-http-backend beta.cloud.google.com/backend-config- -n kube-system