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This project uses end-to-end tests to make sure that the operator, proxy and everything works.

Get Started With End-to-End Tests

After setting up your local development environment, please do the following:

Configure gcloud CLI

Install the gcloud CLI and make sure it is in your system PATH.

Install the GKE auth components by running gcloud components install gke-gcloud-auth-plugin and then gke-gcloud-auth-plugin --version to ensure it was installed correctly

Log into gcloud.

Set your application default credentials.

Create an empty project

Create an empty Google Cloud project in your Google Cloud account.

Check out the Cloud Sql Proxy repo

Check out the cloud-sql-proxy github repo into a different directory. Make sure you are on branch 'main'.

Update your build.env

Copy build.sample.env to build.env and follow instructions in the comments to properly up the local environment for E2E tests. You will need to set:

  • the absolute path to your cloud-sql-proxy working directory
  • the empty Google Cloud project name.

Run the tests

Run make e2e_test in the base directory of this project. This will run the following make targets in sequence:

  • make e2e_test_infra will use Terraform to create an artifact registry, GKE cluster and postgres database.
  • make e2e_proxy_image_push will build the Cloud SQL Proxy image from our cloud-sql-proxy working directory and push it to the operator.
  • make e2e_test_run will build docker images for the operator and the Cloud SQL Proxy, and push those images to the artifact registry.
  • make e2e_test_cleanup will remove all deployments and configuration from the kuberentes created by the end-to-end tests.

The first time you run make e2e_test it may take 20-30 minutes to provision Google Cloud resources for the tests. Subsequent runs will reuse the Google Cloud resources, and therefore will run much faster.

When you are developing end-to-end tests, you may sometimes use these build targets as short-cuts to run the tests faster:

  • make e2e_test_run will build and deploy the operator docker images from your working directory and run the end-to-end tests.
  • make e2e_test_run_gotest will just run the end-to-end tests without rebuilding images or checking infrastructure.
  • make k9s will open the k9s tool pointing at the . K9s is a cool terminal UI that simplifies browsing the
    state of a kubernetes cluster.

Clean up after the end-to-end tests with these targets:

  • make e2e_test_cleanup will remove the operator and all test deployments from the kubernetes cluster.
  • make gcloud-test-infra-cleanup will remove all the Google Cloud infrastructure used by the test.

Test Organization

Guidelines for writing test:

Don't write end-to-end tests when a unit test or integration test will do.

Each test case should be performed in its own namespace so that they do not create conflicts or dependencies between tests.

Each test case should represent a complete scenario. You may not use one test case to set up the prerequisite state for another test case.

End-to-end Tests

End-to-end tests go in the internal/e2e_test package. These tests run test case scenarios using real Google Cloud infrastructure.

The Google Cloud infrastructure is always exclusively provisioned using the Terraform project in testinfra. Configuring the Google Cloud infrastructure by hand after terraform runs is not allowed.

The utility functions in internal/e2e are intended to be used exclusively for end-to-end tests.

Integration Tests

Integration tests go in the internal/testintegration_test package. Integration tests ensure that our operator interacts correctly with the kubernetes API.

The utility functions in internal/testintegration are intended to be used exclusively for integration tests.

Integration tests are run using the Kubebuilder's envtest tool. This tool sets up a local kubernetes API server so that we can test if our operator interacts with kubernetes correctly.

Integration tests do not test any live Google Cloud infrastructure. They do not test any pods created by kubernetes.


The utility functions in internal/testhelpers are intended to be reused between e2e and integration tests.

The test cases in internal/testhelpers/testcases.go are intended to be reused between e2e and integration tests. They require a TestCaseParams as input, and use a reference to *testing.T to report the results.

Right now we only have the most basic of tests implemented, so the E2E and integration testcases are almost identical. The only additional assertions today are in e2e.TestModifiesNewDeployment, checks the running Deployment pods. In the integration test, pods are not scheduled or run.

Setup and teardown are very different between integration and e2e. Integration tests need to start the k8s server on setup, and stop on on teardown. E2e tests need to know the URL for the docker images and be able to connect to the k8s cluster. Teardown for e2e is a no-op.

Eventually the testcases will diverge. New E2e tests will try out a lot of different workload types, network configurations, maybe even k8s cluster versions. New Integration tests may focus on demonstrating that we are handling quirky K8S API edge cases correctly.

E2E Test Harness

TODO: Build an e2e test harness application

E2E tests run a test harness application as their primary workload. This application in internal/testharness is a docker container that expects to connect to a database through the Cloud SQL Proxy. It can be configured to connect via TCP or Unix sockets. It reports its liveness and readiness through kubernetes.

E2E Test Cases


E2e tests need to ensure that the operator works for a variety of possible connection scenarios. The test cases are designed to cover permutations of these configuration dimensions:

Test Dimensions Values
K8s workload Deployment StatefulSet DaemonSet Job CronJob Pod
Identity GKE Workload Identity K8s Secret with json creds
DB Type MySQL Postgres SQL Server
DB Endpoint Public Private IP
DB User Database user IAM AuthN
Socket Type TCP Unix FUSE

To cover all these cases, we will implement the following list of end-to-end scenarios

Network Socket Identity DB Type DB User K8s Workload
public ip tcp workload identity mysql db-user Deployment
public ip tcp file in k8s secret postgres db-user Pod
public ip tcp workload identity sql server db-user StatefulSet
public ip tcp workload identity mysql db-user Job
public ip tcp workload identity mysql db-user Cronjob
public ip tcp workload identity mysql db-user DaemonSet
private ip tcp workload identity mysql db-user Deployment
public ip tcp workload identity mysql db-user Deployment
public ip tcp vm identity mysql db-user Deployment
public ip tcp workload identity postgres iam-authn Deployment
public ip unix file in k8s secret mysql db-user Deployment
public ip fuse file in k8s secret mysql db-user Deployment

Correctness of State Changes

Additionally, end-to-end scenarios need to ensure that the operator correctly creates updates and removes the proxy workloads when operating in a real cluster. These are scenarios that cannot be tested in integration or unit tests because they require a live cluster with real workloads.

Happy Path Create Workload

  • Create a deployment with 5 replicas, maxUnavailable of 2.
  • Create a AuthProxyWorkload matching the deployment
  • Check that the workload pods have a proxy
  • Check that the workload application can connect to the database through the proxy

Happy Path Update Workload

  • Do "Happy Path Create Workload"
  • Update the deployment's EnvVar settings so that the pods are recreated.
  • Check that the updated workload pods have a proxy
  • Check that the workload application can connect to the database through the proxy

Update AuthProxyWorkload

  • Do "Happy Path Create Workload"
  • Update the AuthProxyWorkload changing the database connection string
  • Check that the workload pods are updated with the new proxy settings
  • Check that the workload application can connect to the new database through the proxy
  • Check that during the update of the deployment with new proxy configuration, the Deployment's maxUnavailable setting is not violated.

Delete AuthProxyWorkload

  • Do "Happy Path Create Workload"
  • Attempt to delete the AuthProxyWorkload
  • Expect an error because the AuthProxyWorkload configuration is in use
  • Delete the deployment
  • Attempt to delete the AuthProxyWorkload
  • Check that the AuthProxyWorkload deletes successfully

Load Test Cases

Additionally, end-to-end scenarios need to ensure that the operator correctly creates updates and removes the proxy workloads when operating in a real cluster. These are scenarios that cannot be tested in integration or unit tests because they require a live cluster with real workloads.

Load tests should be run before releases by the dev team to ensure that the operator works. Load tests should be fully automated like the e2e tests. Load tests should not be run automatically due to cost and time.

Large Cluster, 1 Big Deployment, 1 AuthProxyWorkload

  • Create a k8s cluster with 50 large nodes
  • Create a deployment with 100 replicas
  • Create an AuthProxyWorkload that matches the 1 deployment
  • Check how long it takes to roll out the proxy configuration to the workloads
  • Check memory and CPU consumption for the operator

Large Cluster, Many Small Deployments, 1 AuthProxyWorkload

  • Create a k8s cluster with 50 large nodes
  • Create 100 Deployments with 3 replicas
  • Create 2 AuthProxyWorkloads, each matches half the deployments
  • Check how long it takes to roll out the proxy configuration to the workloads
  • Check memory and CPU consumption for the operator

Large Cluster, Many Small Deployments, Many AuthProxyWorkload

  • Create a k8s cluster with 50 large nodes
  • Create 100 Deployments with 3 replicas
  • Create 100 AuthProxyWorkloads that matches the 1 deployment
  • Check how long it takes to roll out the proxy configuration to the cluster
  • Check memory and CPU consumption for the operator

Huge cluster

Run the large cluster test cases at 5x to 10x the size, trying to find the size where the scenario is too big for the operator.