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CMX HQ Events




Communities change the world.

CMX Events invite community professionals from around the world  to participate in discussions and workshops, learn techniques and tactics, and hear from industry thought leaders and heroes. 

Gain insights from the best in the community industry and make real life connections with your peers.

We hope this content helps other organizations understand the massive opportunity in front of them to build community, that impacts the lives of their members while driving their business goals. We hope this content helps level up the community industry as a whole.

Upcoming events


CMX HQ Virtual Conference - RSVP

AI July

This event is an opportunity for anyone interested in AI to learn more about how it works, the implications it has on our work and world, and most importantly: how you can start using it to make your life easier today. If you're in Marketing, Sales, Customer Success, Product Management, Development, AI/ML, or Community - Join us!


CMX HQ In Person Conference

CMX Summit 2025

Join us for CMX Summit 2025, the Conference for Community Building Experience the world’s leading event for community professionals where connections spark into opportunities, ideas come to life, and communities thrive!


Our Partners