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Security Advisory Services Team
June 1, 2021

No one thinks they have a security problem. Until they do. If a breach happens to you, what will the newspaper headline be? Will it say things like “unsecured database” and “negligence”? 

In industries like pharmaceuticals, data is perpetually under attack from nation-state actors and competitors, so our clients can’t afford to be reactive. Others who operate in highly regulated environments like finance want help in keeping up with the latest legal or industry-driven security requirements. And some clients seek our guidance in upgrading a reactive capability to something with a higher level of comfort that’s still cost-effective. 

Security and compliance pose some of the most complex and challenging issues facing IT professionals today, but things could be easier. How? 

All the tech in the world can’t help on its own

In the security space, there’s a promise you hear a lot: “This product will solve all your problems.” While there is some truly amazing technology out there, solutions need to be implemented, not just installed. You need strategy. You need process. All the connections, supporting policies, runbooks, security operations center, and a plan for when things go wrong. 

You may already own the technology you need to achieve your security and compliance goals. Because ePlus is tech-agnostic, we can help evaluate your existing setup to make sure you leverage what you have before considering additional investments. 

The next step is planning for implementation. Our remediation security roadmaps provide strategic, actionable plans to address your current business needs while positioning your business for the future. 

Of course, a roadmap only works if you have the resources to implement it.

Good security people are hard to find (or so we hear)

These days, top organizations must bend over backwards to compete for security talent that’s already employed elsewhere. There just aren’t enough qualified people to go around. 

We have more than 100 years of collective IT and cybersecurity experience with military, education, finance, retail, and manufacturing clients. Before they became consultants, our professionals worked for years in Governance and Compliance, Third-Party Risk, IT General Controls, and Security Operations Centers. Our expertise covers HIPAA, PCI, DFARS, Sarbanes- Oxley, NYS DFS 500 and many other common frameworks. 

This breadth of experience contributes to a broader perspective. It’s this perspective that enables us to cost-effectively steer you in the right direction.

Our security team could be your security team

Some organizations don’t have budget for a full-time Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).  Others need access to a part-time C-level expert to navigate a particular project or challenge.  The ePlus vCISO program provides an on-demand executive-level resource who can manage security program development, implementation, and ongoing maintenance—tailored to your needs and length of engagement. Many of our vCISO professionals are former CISOs, CIOs of State, or experienced senior consultants with deep industry experience. 

Already have a CISO but need resources to extend the reach of your security team? Our security experts can assess and protect your IT footprint, help you meet regulatory requirements, and free up your resources to focus on other critical tasks.

Whatever your challenge, the ePlus team can help mitigate risk, ensure compliance, and implement a strategy that improves your security posture.

Security issues happen. But there’s still time to change the newspaper headline. 

Find out how


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