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Train-the-trainer approach

Cascade training to increase the number of employees trained

To meet increasing training needs in the field of occupational risk prevention, INRS and the Social Security branch dealing with occupational risks entrust the implementation of certain training activities to third-party training organisations.

Train-the-trainer programmes make it possible to entrust certain training courses to third-party training organisations, outside INRS, while continuing to guarantee their quality. This process relies on an accreditation system for third-party training organisations. Accreditation is granted by the Occupational Risks branch of Social Security and INRS.
This way companies can find an organisation in their own area to provide accredited training which meets the specifications of the Occupational Risks branch of Social Security and INRS.

  • Train the trainer
  • Train the trainer


Accreditation currently exists for nine topics:

  • Emergency first aid at work,
  • Prevention of risks linked to physical activity,
  • Prevention of risks for homecare personnel,
  • Prevention of risks for OSH instructors in the homecare sector,
  • Prevention of risks for personnel in retirement homes and facilities,
  • Introduction to the prevention of psychosocial risks,
  • Assessment of occupational risks,
  • Resource persons for the musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) prevention project,
  • Prevention of risks linked to the transport of passengers and goods on roads.
cascade training

Cascade training is used to train both employees and trainers in the first three topics. For the other topics, cascade training is not used to train trainers, who are exclusively trained by INRS.

In addition, organisations providing training in the prevention of asbestos-related risks must be certified by bodies specially accredited for this purpose.


Roughly 3,000 training organisations have been approved or certified. This approach makes it possible to significantly increase training opportunities throughout France.


Last update on 13/06/2018