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Welcome to Kendo UI for jQuery

Thank you for choosing Progress® Kendo UI for jQuery!

Kendo UI is a comprehensive HTML5 user interface framework for building interactive and high-performance websites and applications. It comes with a library of 110+ UI components, an abundance of data-visualization gadgets, client-side data source, and a built-in MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) library.

Kendo UI for jQuery provides AngularJS and Bootstrap integration and is also distributed as part of several product units that you can choose from depending on your project requirements. The suite includes components for enterprise-grade line-of-business applications and is suitable for creating professional websites that require expert and timely technical support.

To read more about the benefits of using Kendo UI for jQuery, visit the product overview page.

Kendo UI for jQuery Kendoka image
New to Kendo UI for jQuery?

Kendo UI for jQuery is a professional grade UI library with 110+ components for building modern and feature-rich applications. To try it out sign up for a free 30-day trial.

Getting Started

If you are newcomer, follow the First Steps guide on getting started with Kendo UI for jQuery.

List of Components

The following table lists all Kendo UI components (widgets) that are available in the commercial Kendo UI bundle and in the open-source Kendo UI distribution. For more information on all Kendo UI suites, refer to the section on Kendo UI flavors.

List of Framework Components

The following table lists the Kendo UI tools and framework utilities that are available in the commercial Kendo UI bundle and in the open-source Kendo UI distribution.

Tools, Frameworks, and Utilities Open-Source Distribution Commercial Distribution
Data Source Overview & Demos Yes Yes
Drawing API Overview & Demos No Yes
Excel Export Overview & Demos No Yes
Globalization Overview & Demos Yes Yes
Localization Overview & Demos Yes Yes
AngularJS Integration Overview & Demos Yes Yes
Bootstrap Integration Overview & Demos Yes Yes
MVVM Integration Overview & Demos Yes Yes
PDF Export Overview & Demos No Yes
Single-Page Application Overview & Demos Yes Yes
Templates Overview & Demos Yes Yes
Theme Builder Demos Yes Yes
Official Support No Yes


The Kendo UI for jQuery components are integrated with the Vue JavaScript framework, provide server-side solutions for the ASP.NET MVC and Core frameworks, deliver wrappers for the JSP and PHP technologies, and also utilize the RadSpreadProcessing .NET library to enhance the capabilities of the Spreadsheet component. Part of Kendo UI for jQuery also comes in an open-source Kendo UI bundle.

Progress® KendoReact

KendoReact delivers Kendo UI components natively developed from the ground up and intended for the React ecosystem.

Progress® Kendo UI for Angular

Kendo UI for Angular delivers Kendo UI components natively developed from the ground up and intended for the Angular framework.

Progress® Kendo UI for Vue

Kendo UI for Vue comes in two flavors: native Kendo UI for Vue components and Kendo UI Wrappers for Vue. These flavors provide an easy way to use and configure Kendo UI components or Kendo UI components in your Vue.js application.

Progress® Telerik® UI for ASP.NET Core

Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core supports the .NET Core runtime and includes all Kendo UI components as well as server-side wrappers (Telerik UI Tag Helpers and Telerik UI HTML Helpers). With the server-side wrappers, you can configure Kendo UI components in ASP.NET Core.

Progress® Telerik® UI for ASP.NET MVC

Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC is a Kendo UI product flavor which targets ASP.NET MVC developers. It includes all Kendo UI components as well as HtmlHelper extension methods (server-side wrappers) which allow you to configure the Kendo UI components by using C# code.

Progress® Telerik® UI for JSP

Telerik UI for JSP is a Kendo UI product flavor which targets the Java web application developers. It includes Java Server Pages (JSP) tags for all commercially available Kendo UI components.

Progress® Telerik® UI for PHP

Telerik UI for PHP is a Kendo UI product flavor which targets the PHP web application developers. It includes PHP classes for configuring all Kendo UI components.


RadSpreadProcessing is a .NET library which allows you to read, create, and write Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) documents. It complements the Spreadsheet component and allows you to process the data on the server, but can be used on its own as well.

Open-Source Kendo UI Distribution

The open-source Kendo UI flavor (Kendo UI Core) is the free Kendo UI for jQuery distribution released under Apache v2.0 License. It provides access to a limited number of components and framework features, and to 1,000+ tests running across browsers for each commit to the GitHub repository. Kendo UI Core is suitable for open-source or commercial projects that do not require complex UI, such as the Grid, Chart, and other, nor dedicated technical support.

The open-source Kendo UI distribution does not offer official technical support for the components and framework components it delivers.

Incorporation in Other Progress Software Products

Kendo UI is also incorporated into products such as Sitefinity, Test Studio, and others.

Monitoring the Progress Live Services

Progress provides up-to-date information about the live services it delivers to its customers on a daily basis—for example, the Kendo UI CDN services, Kendo UI Dojo playground, and Telerik NuGet feed.

Trial Version and Commercial License

This Kendo UI for jQuery library is a commercial UI library. You are welcome to explore its full functionality and get technical support from the team when you register for a free 30-day trial. To use it commercially, you need to purchase a license. Feel free to review the Kendo UI for jQuery License Agreement to get acquainted with the full terms of use.

Support Options

For any issues you might encounter while working with Kendo UI for jQuery, use any of the available support channels:

Learning Resources

Next Steps

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