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Payment terminal security inspection

Adyen makes use of secure, certified payment terminals. The integrity of the payment terminals is crucial, because they process sensitive card data. Regularly inspect your payment terminal to ensure it is secure.

When in doubt, stop using the payment terminal and contact Adyen immediately.

Delivery inspection

Because payment terminals process sensitive card data, you must verify that the terminal you received is the correct one, supplied by Adyen, and hasn't been tampered with.

  1. Verify that the box containing the terminal hasn't been opened and that the security seal is intact.
    The security seal is a red label with a bar code and a number, stuck across the lid of the box.

  2. If you have access to the Adyen Customer Area, log in and under In-person payments > Orders and returns find the order for your terminal. Then:

    • Verify that the serial number (S/N) on the box is the same as in the Customer Area.
    • Verify that the security seal number on the box is the same as in the Customer Area.
    • Using the track & trace link, track the order with the carrier to verify that they confirm having delivered the payment terminal.

  3. Break the security seal, take the terminal out of the box, and verify that the serial number (S/N) on the terminal is the same as the serial number on the box.

  4. Inspect the terminal for tampering. Check for missing seals or screws, additional wires or labels, holes in the device, and anything inserted in or attached to any part of the terminal.

If any of the above checks fails, contact our Support Team immediately.

The following illustration shows an intact security seal.

After peeling off the seal, the residue left behind on the box as well as the seal itself will show the text 'OPEN VOID'.

Regular inspection

Carry out the following checks regularly. We recommend you do these checks every week.

Visual inspection

When the display of the payment terminal shows the word 'TAMPER' or 'TAMPERED', stop using the device and contact Adyen immediately.

  • Verify the payment terminal is the same as shown in our documentation, in the user manual specific for the payment terminal model.
  • After the payment terminal has started up, verify the Adyen logo or your company logo appears on the terminal display.
  • Verify no cameras or skimming equipment are attached to the payment terminal. Check for anything inserted in or attached to the card reader, ports, display, or keypad.

Device integrity inspection

  • Verify the payment terminal isn't physically damaged. Check for missing seals or screws, holes in the device, and added wires or labels.
  • Check your camera footage for suspicious activities around the payment terminal.
  • Verify that store staff and camera footage cannot see the customers' PINs when they enter this on a payment terminal.

Awareness of suspicious activity

  • Verify the identity of any third-party persons claiming to be repair or maintenance personnel, before granting them access to modify or troubleshoot payment terminals.
  • Always be aware of suspicious behaviour around payment terminals. For example, attempts by unknown persons to disconnect or open devices.
  • Always report suspicious behaviour to Adyen via your manager or security officer. When in doubt, contact Adyen directly.

When a terminal is lost or stolen

When you discover that an Adyen payment terminal is lost or stolen, proceed as follows:

  1. Write an email with answers to the following questions:

    • What is the model and serial number of the missing terminal?
      If necessary you can determine the serial number through exclusion: you check the serial numbers of the terminals in your store against the terminals that your Customer Area lists.

    • Where was the terminal lost or stolen?

    • How did this happen?

    • How did you discover the terminal was missing?

    • Was the terminal in active use, or was it still in its packaging with intact security seals?

    • If you suspect theft, did you file a police report?

      • If yes, attach the police report to the email.
      • If no, file a police report and send it to us as soon as possible.

    • What actions have you taken to prevent this from happening again?

  2. Send your email to our Support Team with terminals@adyen.com in CC.