Apps Script Code Samples

The following Apps Script code samples are available for the YouTube Analytics API. You can download these code samples from the apps-script folder of the YouTube APIs code sample repository on GitHub.

Export YouTube Analytics data to Google Sheets

This function uses the YouTube Analytics API to fetch data about the authenticated user's channel, creating a new Google Sheet in the user's Drive with the data.

The first part of this sample demonstrates a simple YouTube Analytics API call. This function first fetches the active user's channel ID. Using that ID, the function makes a YouTube Analytics API call to retrieve views, likes, dislikes and shares for the last 30 days. The API returns the data in a response object that contains a 2D array.

The second part of the sample constructs a Spreadsheet. This spreadsheet is placed in the authenticated user's Google Drive with the name 'YouTube Report' and date range in the title. The function populates the spreadsheet with the API response, then locks columns and rows that will define a chart axes. A stacked column chart is added for the spreadsheet.

function spreadsheetAnalytics() {
  // Get the channel ID
  var myChannels = YouTube.Channels.list('id', {mine: true});
  var channel = myChannels.items[0];
  var channelId =;

  // Set the dates for our report
  var today = new Date();
  var  Date();
  oneMonthAgo.setMonth(today.getMonth() - 1);
  var todayFormatted = Utilities.formatDate(today, 'UTC', 'yyyy-MM-dd')
  var  'UTC', 'yyyy-MM-dd');

  // The YouTubeAnalytics.Reports.query() function has four required parameters and one optional
  // parameter. The first parameter identifies the channel or content owner for which you are
  // retrieving data. The second and third parameters specify the start and end dates for the
  // report, respectively. The fourth parameter identifies the metrics that you are retrieving.
  // The fifth parameter is an object that contains any additional optional parameters
  // (dimensions, filters, sort, etc.) that you want to set.
  var analyticsResponse = YouTubeAnalytics.Reports.query(
    'channel==' + channelId,
      dimensions: 'day',
      sort: '-day'

  // Create a new Spreadsheet with rows and columns corresponding to our dates
  var ssName = 'YouTube channel report ' + oneMonthAgoFormatted + ' - ' + todayFormatted;
  var numRows = analyticsResponse.rows.length;
  var numCols = analyticsResponse.columnHeaders.length;

  // Add an extra row for column headers
  var ssNew = SpreadsheetApp.create(ssName, numRows + 1, numCols);

  // Get the first sheet
  var sheet = ssNew.getSheets()[0];

  // Get the range for the title columns
  // Remember, spreadsheets are 1-indexed, whereas arrays are 0-indexed
  var headersRange = sheet.getRange(1, 1, 1, numCols);
  var headers = [];

  // These column headers will correspond with the metrics requested
  // in the initial call: views, likes, dislikes, shares
  for(var i in analyticsResponse.columnHeaders) {
    var columnHeader = analyticsResponse.columnHeaders[i];
    var columnName =;
    headers[i] = columnName;
  // This takes a 2 dimensional array

  // Bold and freeze the column names

  // Get the data range and set the values
  var dataRange = sheet.getRange(2, 1, numRows, numCols);

  // Bold and freeze the dates
  var dateHeaders = sheet.getRange(1, 1, numRows, 1);

  // Include the headers in our range. The headers are used
  // to label the axes
  var range = sheet.getRange(1, 1, numRows, numCols);
  var chart = sheet.newChart()
                   .setPosition(4, 2, 10, 10)
