
7 results found






When is Apple Adding mouse capture/ keyboard and mouse gaming to iPad?
So I’ve been researching if minecraft works with keyboard and mouse, after I bought my keyboard and mouse, Minecraft did not work. I researched more and I found that in the WWDC, Apple announced about keyboard and mouse gaming on iPad and I still can’t see the answer to when or I meant which iPadOS 14 betas will it be in and I know the official Release is sometime in December, Just asking when or which of the betas will have mouse capture. Thanks
Aug ’20
Reply to UIKit macOS Catalyst beep sound with GCKeyboard
Okay, it was pretty simple. The press handlers for both begin and end should be overridden and handle the input override func pressesBegan(_ presses: Set<UIPress>, with event: UIPressesEvent?) { /* Do nothing, or handle specifically the keys that should be processed by your app. super.pressesBegan will forward the key press and result in the 'beep' sound/ } override func pressesEnded(_ presses: Set<UIPress>, with event: UIPressesEvent?) { /* Do nothing, or handle specifically the keys that should be processed by your app. super.pressesEnded will forward the key press and result in the 'beep' sound/ } This solves the issue of 'beeps' coming from key presses that I am not currently handling while polling using GCKeyboard - https://developer.apple.com/documentation/gamecontroller/gckeyboard
Jun ’20