Den Jobinserenten von Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Polymerforschung IAP direkt kontaktieren

Nils Maximilian Demski

Nils Maximilian Demski

Polymer and Composite Materials Engineer at Fraunhofer IAP ⋅ M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering (KAIST) ⋅ M.Sc. Production Engineering (TU Berlin)

You study #marine #engineering or similar and you love #composites? You want to be #student #researcher, #intern or write your #master #thesis at Fraunhofer, the worldwide leading organization for applied research?

Join us in developing composite structures for marine vessels at our location Wildau near Berlin (including prototype manufacturing).

Learn modern technologies and use our excellent laboratory equipment to get more practical knowledge.

You should have the following skills:

▪ You are studying marine engineering

▪ You have knowledge in two of the following areas:

− Development of mechanical components (including CAD)

− Fiber composites

− Adhesive technologies

− Composite coatings

▪ You also have a passion for practical work

Interested? Just write to me here in the Linkedin chat.
  • Beschäftigungsverhältnis


Mit einer Empfehlung lassen sich Ihre Chancen auf ein Vorstellungsgespräch bei Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Polymerforschung IAP verdoppeln.

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