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blood being drawn

Co-Testing in the ED to Slow the Spread of HIV

Screen patients seeking care for chlamydia, gonorrhea

Myasthenia Gravis Exacerbation With Quinolone and Macrolide Antibiotics: What Is the Risk?

Retrospective analysis assesses frequency and severity relative to a reference antibiotic

Career Path: From ED Transporter to Nurse Manager (Podcast)

Determination, preparation and education opened up opportunities in one nurse’s chosen specialty

Recent Articles

operating room during robotic heart surgery
Robotic Mitral Valve Repair: Reflections After 2,400-Plus Cases

Judicious application yields a 99.7% repair rate and 0.04% mortality

David Liska, MD, MA
June 18, 2024/Digestive/Q&A
Meet David Liska, MD, MA, the New Chair of Colorectal Surgery

The new appointee brings special expertise in hereditary and young-onset colorectal cancer

Child with hands on their knee
June 18, 2024/Pediatrics/Rheumatology
Psoriasis: More Than Just the Skin

Multiple comorbidities are associated with pediatric psoriasis

adult female figure suffering headache
June 17, 2024/Neurosciences/Podcast
Migraine Relief: Providing Preventive and Abortive Therapies (Podcast)

A close look at the growing array of options for episodic and chronic migraine

SLP discussing imaging with patient
When the Tests Are Normal, But Your Patient Still Can’t Swallow

Research could help direct care pathways for patients with unexplained swallowing difficulties

Dr. Grobmyer and team
June 14, 2024/Cancer/Innovations
Fatima bint Mubarak Center Addresses Inequities in Cancer Care

Cleveland Clinic Cancer Institute brings multidisciplinary care, precision oncology and clinical research to the United Arab Emirates

blood speckle imaging of the aortic valvar leaflets
Blood Speckle Imaging Shows Potential for Evaluating Aortic Valvar Repair

Proof-of-concept study finds technology improves quantitative evaluation of blood flow characteristics

Image of characters and scenes in Zen Quest
June 13, 2024/Leadership
Cleveland Clinic Enters the Metaverse to Support Mental Wellbeing

Interactive Zen Quest experience helps promote relaxing behaviors

woman with milk and lettuce
Empowering Patient Wellness Through Obesity Medicine

Comprehensive approach can make a transformative impact

platelets flowing through blood vessel
Early Therapeutic Anticoagulation After Cranial Surgery Raises Risk of Intracranial Hemorrhage

Case series links catastrophic outcomes to therapy initiation within 48 hours post-procedure

Doctor uses stethoscope on teen boy
June 12, 2024/Pediatrics/Cardiology
Experts Define Care and Research Gaps for Chronic Heart Failure in Children and Adolescent Patients With Congenital Heart Disease

Panel proposes staging and treatment protocols that support harmonized evaluation and management of heart failure in patients with congenital heart disease

Knee of patient with obesity
June 11, 2024/Orthopaedics/Hip & Knee
Patients With Obesity Report Faster Improvement After Knee Replacement

More report a clinically meaningful change in function at 90 days compared to patients with lower BMI