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    Luxe battery issues after the update

    Is anyone else struggling with luxe since the latest update ? I don’t get a warning anymore my luxe is low in charge and I can’t get a full charge it seems to take forever now and runs out of charge extremely quick - it’s quite frustrating?

    Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

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    109 REPLIES 109

    Does anyone from Fitbit ever respond to these issues?  I connect my Luxe to charge and after awhile the battery is less than when I started and it has lost pairing with my phone. I don’t need to give me instructions on reconnecting. I need Fitbit to fix this so it doesn’t keep happening. Very frustrated

    Best Answer
    Sorry, but probably you have to just give up. Looks like there’s little or no interest in resolving these problems, as I and many others have found out the hard way. Almost looks like Google is letting Luxe die a slow death (or maybe accelerating it?) and widespread functionality issues and customer dissatisfaction are not a major concern. Mine was a few months past its one year warranty, and I requested at least a discount on purchasing a different Fitbit (I need the sleep tracking, per MD instructions). Sorry—they said—we have no such program available at this time. Is anybody there—does anybody care??!!

    Jo Anne Gibbons
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    Mine is completely dead with No way of reviving it at this time.   They have done Nothing to help nor assist besides telling me it is out of US warranty.

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    I must say that this response does not show me much about your customer service or how you utilize some very good feed back

    Shame on you

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    Hi!  Unfortunately I just like most others here have shown how our issues have been handled accordingly.  If you haven’t read the threads or actual replies/responses to everyone else here including mine I have nothing to say.  However have the DAY YOU DESERVE!

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    My Luxe just turns off randomly. I connect it to the charger and when it turns back on it reads to be at 97% charge. I put it on and it shuts back off again. Ridiculous. 

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    Same! Had to stop cycling and put on the charger only to find it was adequately charged. That added with the painstaking length of time for it to fully charge is on more reason to get another fitness tracker or smart watch, not Fitbit…. Seems like maybe that’s what they want??

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    Nope they are clearly not interested in the slightest - ive moved on now with no trouble with my new tracker bye fitbit.

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    absolutely they certainly have made no attempt to reply to anyone on this thread so they clearly are not interested.... ive moved to another tracker now. so long fitbit.

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    I'm having the issues everyone else is having with my Luxe...Fitbit have given me a discount code to buy a new device but not sure I want to risk buying another one given what everyone is saying here.  What other trackers have you bought?  Do you like them as much?  I like how small the Luxe is!!

    Best Answer

    If I may ask what is your new tracker?  Does it track sleep 😴 also?


    I received a discount code previously for my out of warranty FitBit which I used to buy the luxe a year ago.  Now that it’s not working like everyone else's I think I’m over it as they are not addressing the issues to let customers know what is going on, just offering discount codes to get a new one.

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    I bought a Radley tracker i have a larger one and a smaller one similar to the Luxe. im still getting used to it but its absolutely fine does the job.  Fitbit not interestedin fixing this issue with the luxe i wouldnt buy another Luxe as you will have the same issues.

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    I bought the Radley tracker yes it tracks sleep to 

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    Thanks!  I will look into it and you are correct. They are not fixing the issue because way too many people are having the same issues and nothing is being done about it. I do have an Apple Watch don’t get me wrong. I enjoy my Apple Watch but I also enjoyed my Fitbit because while, they are similar. They do different things and I enjoyed that. 

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    I was a happy 6+ year fitbit owner. Luxe is my 2nd device.  The TROUBLES since the update, combined with the MANY other users experiencing problems, moderator who recommend restart and suggest there's nothing wrong, and a total lack of response from the company, have me now looking to buy a different brand.  To build a loyal following who appreciate and depend on their product, then abandon them, is such poor form.  I am so disappointed in the company's response.  Sadly, I say goodbye to fitbit - if I can't even use it to tell time, what is it good for??

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    I too have been a longtime supporter of the FITBIT I believe this is my (4th) one to date.  Had I had the Gumption to checkout the community sooner I probably would’ve saved myself the headache thus far.  The last one prior to the Luxe did the same thing as the current one and FitBit after some back and forth sent me a discount code but it could only be used on the NEWER models which obviously cost more money, which brings me to my final product the LUXE that has not even twitched since I joined the masses on this thread.

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    I've barely had mine 2 months.   It will not hold a charge at all.

    Today it was 100% @2 and it's 49% now @ 10....why

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    It’s definitely not a coincidence if this many people are having the exact same issues.
    Restarting makes no difference, when the Luxe is totally flat but the app states medium battery and on charge after restart it goes to 13% then tap the screen and it states 7%
    This NEVER happened before the update.

    I have a question about migrating to the Google account, I haven’t logged into this at all, I’m still logging into my original Fitbit account - is this the issue? Do you want us all on the Google account?

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    Too bad that Google doesn’t  seem to care about customer satisfaction. Glad you feel better about Apple!

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    yes my battery doesn’t want to charge very fast taking forever!!

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