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Reland "[upgrade_detector] Avoid the macOS Catalina file consent dialog."

This reverts commit 84ad51ea57c904571bcc6cb1372f67eb988100a2.

Reason for revert: This is not the right fix

Original change's description:
> Revert "[upgrade_detector] Avoid the macOS Catalina file consent dialog."
> This reverts commit df9d1d0c056736fced587d48487694d68e87f2ef.
> This revert switches from a "trivial" watch on macOS back to a
> non-recursive watch. This means that parent directories will also be
> monitored. It is this monitoring of parent dirs that may trigger the
> consent dialog.
> This revert is yet another attempt to address a crash in
> base::FilePathWatcherKQueue::OnKQueueReadable that appears to correlate
> with the landing of https://crrev.com/830353.
> TBR=grt@chromium.org
> Bug: 1147071,1156603
> Change-Id: I09f15fa1d668c18578e63cb011faa7047a07f102
> Fixed: 88
> Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/2642159
> Auto-Submit: Greg Thompson <grt@chromium.org>
> Commit-Queue: Jan Wilken Dörrie <jdoerrie@chromium.org>
> Reviewed-by: Jan Wilken Dörrie <jdoerrie@chromium.org>
> Cr-Original-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#846666}
> Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/2652896
> Reviewed-by: Greg Thompson <grt@chromium.org>
> Commit-Queue: Greg Thompson <grt@chromium.org>
> Cr-Commit-Position: refs/branch-heads/4324@{#2059}
> Cr-Branched-From: c73b5a651d37a6c4d0b8e3262cc4015a5579c6c8-refs/heads/master@{#827102}


# Not skipping CQ checks because original CL landed > 1 day ago.

Bug: 1147071
Bug: 1156603
Change-Id: Ib251ad229f70bbaf94e0d156cb6fa3bcf2e0310d
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/2665346
Reviewed-by: Greg Thompson <grt@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Greg Thompson <grt@chromium.org>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/branch-heads/4324@{#2085}
Cr-Branched-From: c73b5a651d37a6c4d0b8e3262cc4015a5579c6c8-refs/heads/master@{#827102}
1 file changed
tree: 7b5aff05cf03e49075fec315e90077f86db0c264
  1. android_webview/
  2. apps/
  3. ash/
  4. base/
  5. build/
  6. build_overrides/
  7. buildtools/
  8. cc/
  9. chrome/
  10. chromecast/
  11. chromeos/
  12. cloud_print/
  13. codelabs/
  14. components/
  15. content/
  16. courgette/
  17. crypto/
  18. dbus/
  19. device/
  20. docs/
  21. extensions/
  22. fuchsia/
  23. gin/
  24. google_apis/
  25. google_update/
  26. gpu/
  27. headless/
  28. infra/
  29. ios/
  30. ipc/
  31. jingle/
  32. media/
  33. mojo/
  34. native_client_sdk/
  35. net/
  36. pdf/
  37. ppapi/
  38. printing/
  39. remoting/
  40. rlz/
  41. sandbox/
  42. services/
  43. skia/
  44. sql/
  45. storage/
  46. styleguide/
  47. testing/
  48. third_party/
  49. tools/
  50. ui/
  51. url/
  52. weblayer/
  53. .clang-format
  54. .clang-tidy
  55. .eslintrc.js
  56. .git-blame-ignore-revs
  57. .gitattributes
  58. .gitignore
  59. .gn
  60. .vpython
  61. .vpython3
  62. .yapfignore
  64. BUILD.gn
  66. codereview.settings
  67. DEPS
  71. LICENSE.chromium_os
  72. OWNERS
  73. PRESUBMIT.py
  74. PRESUBMIT_test.py
  75. PRESUBMIT_test_mocks.py
  76. README.md

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Learn how to Get Around the Chromium Source Code Directory Structure .

For historical reasons, there are some small top level directories. Now the guidance is that new top level directories are for product (e.g. Chrome, Android WebView, Ash). Even if these products have multiple executables, the code should be in subdirectories of the product.