The People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria

About the search
LMIC Country Filters

These filters were developed in the World Health Organization Library to be used primarily when searching for systematic reviews for a specific country or a combination of countries.

Main subjects

Search result
"VHL Regional Portal"

Search strategy
iAHx search strategy

Search strategy (Pubmed)
"Algeria"[Mesh] OR Alger*[TW] OR Alger*[TT] OR Algérie[TW] OR Algérie[TT] OR alger*[AD] OR Algérie[AD] OR algérienne[TW] OR algérienne[TT] OR berber*[TW] OR "Arab-berber"[TW] OR Darja[TW] OR Kabyle*[TW] OR Chlef[TW] OR Batna[TW] OR Blida[TW] OR "Tizi ouzou"[TW] OR Algiers[TW] OR Djelfa[TW] OR Sétif[TW] OR Béjaïa[TW] OR Tlemcen[TW] OR Skikda[TW] OR Tamanrasset[TW] OR Adrar[TW] OR Kabylie[TW] OR Oran[TW] OR Constantine[TW] OR Annaba[TW] OR "Sidi Bel Abbès"[TW] OR Biskra[TW] OR Tébessa[TW] OR "El Oued"[TW] OR Tiaret[TW] OR Ouargla[TW] OR Béchar[TW] OR Mostaganem[TW] OR Ghardaia[TW] OR "Appl Biol Sahar Areas"[Journal] OR "Data Min Big Data (2017)"[Journal] OR "Alger J Environ Sci Technol"[Journal] OR "Rev Sci Fondam Appl"[Journal] OR "Bull Trimest Plan Fam"[Journal] OR "Bull Soc Med Hyg Alger"[Journal] OR "Bull Alger Carcinol"[Journal] OR "Cah Med Union Fr"[Journal] OR "Afr Fr Chir"[Journal] OR "Alger Medicale"[Journal] OR "Arch Inst Pasteur Alger"[Journal] OR "Rev Gen Med Chir Union Fr"[Journal]

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The People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria

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