The warrior shrew

Hi everyone!

I want to share a project that I did between February and March in my free time.
It was very fun, the design is simple, the original art is a drawing I did a few years ago, during the pandemic. But recently it occurred to me to redesign it and give it a 3D shape.
Hope you like!

Still frame:


Some pipeline:

Original artwork:

Thanks for your time. You can follow all my work and wips on my Instagram


This little guy has so much character! He causes me smiles to imagine his quests and battles. :smiley:


beautiful work !!

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I LOVE this. Great job!

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Great Work dude !!

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Wonderful work! I love the materials and lighting!

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He is so funny😁


Love this! I like what you did to the hair and the backlighting you used.

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Thanks! I’m glad it made you feel good


Thanks Adriano!

Thanks! I’m glad you liked those details.

I think the same. Also a little cute despite his ugliness :joy:

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Thanks Yao! I precisely used the back light to highlight the contour of the hairs

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So cool!!! I love the abstraction/geometric naivety on it, if I may say. Went beyond the initial drawing which was already nice. Congrats!!!

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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original animation, original creation because fed up with photorealism without originality :heart_eyes:

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Marvelous work!


Oh thanks Bart!!!

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He’s kind of cute and a little bit creepy at the same time.


Thanks Diego! Thanks for your appreciation. That’s right, I also liked the drawn version, but I wanted to make it a little more interesting to turn it into 3D