2024 ballot measure media endorsements

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2023 ballot measures overview

This page lists media editorial endorsements for measures on the ballot in 2024. A media editorial board endorsement refers to an endorsement on a ballot measure by the editorial board of a media organization.

As of June 7, 2024, 117 statewide ballot measures have been certified for the ballot in 35 states for elections in 2024.

If there are no media editorials listed below a ballot measure link below it is because Ballotpedia has not identified any support or opposition endorsements by media editorial boards for that measure. If you know of an editorial not listed below, please contact editor@ballotpedia.org.


The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Alabama with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Alabama Amendment 1, Exempt Local Bills from Budget Isolation Resolution Amendment (March 2024) Defeatedd

  • Alabama Allow Franklin County Board of Education to Manage, Sell, or Lease Land in the Franklin County School System Amendment (2024) 

  • Alaska

    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Alaska with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Alaska Repeal Top-Four Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2024) 

  • Alaska Minimum Wage Increase and Paid Sick Leave Initiative (2024) 

  • Arizona

    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Arizona with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Arizona Require Partisan Primaries and Prohibit Primaries Where Candidates Compete Regardless of Party Affiliation Amendment (2024) 

  • Arizona Criminal Conviction Fee for First Responder Death Financial Benefit Measure (2024) 

  • Arizona Emergency Declarations Amendment (2024) 

  • Arizona Signature Distribution Requirement for Initiatives Amendment (2024) 

  • Arizona Property Tax Refund for Non-Enforcement of Public Nuisance Laws Measure (2024) 

  • Arizona Life Imprisonment for Sex Trafficking of a Child Measure (2024) 

  • Arizona Immigration and Border Law Enforcement Measure (2024) 

  • Arkansas

    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Arkansas with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Arkansas Lottery Proceed Funding for Vocational-Technical School Scholarships and Grants Amendment (2024) 

  • California

    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in California with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • California Remove Voter Approval Requirement for Public Low-Rent Housing Projects Amendment (2024) 

  • California Two-Thirds Legislative Vote and Voter Approval for New or Increased Taxes Initiative (2024) 

  • California $18 Minimum Wage Initiative (2024) 

  • California Oil and Gas Well Regulations Referendum (2024) 

  • California Pandemic Early Detection and Prevention Institute Initiative (2024) 

  • California Employee Civil Action Law and PAGA Repeal Initiative (2024) 

  • California Right to Marry and Repeal Proposition 8 Amendment (2024) 

  • California Prohibit State Limitations on Local Rent Control Initiative (2024) 

  • California Vote Requirements for Initiatives Requiring Supermajority Votes Amendment (2024) 

  • California Lower Supermajority Requirement to 55% for Local Special Taxes to Fund Housing and Public Infrastructure Amendment (2024) 

  • California Proposition 1, Behavioral Health Services Program and Bond Measure (March 2024) Approveda

  • See also: 2023 ballot measure media endorsements

    Ballotpedia identified the following media editorial boards as taking positions on the proposition. Ballotpedia lists the positions of media editorial boards that support or oppose ballot measures. This does not include opinion pieces from individuals or groups that do not represent the official position of a newspaper or media outlet. Ballotpedia includes editorials from newspapers and outlets based on circulation and readership, political coverage within a state, and length of publication. You can share media editorial board endorsements with us at editor@ballotpedia.org.


    • San Francisco Chronicle Editorial Board: "California is short thousands of mental health beds at all levels of care, according to a 2021 study from the nonprofit think tank Rand Corp. Furthermore, even when beds are available, many facilities are unwilling or unable to accept patients with complex co-occurring conditions, criminal records and a history of violence. Other times, beds sit empty because there aren’t enough workers to staff them. As of late last year, some behavioral health nonprofits that contract with San Francisco had vacancy rates reaching 40%. Enter Proposition 1, a state ballot measure that Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administration describes as the 'linchpin' of its strategy to overhaul California’s behavioral health system. ... The status quo is not an option — and that means voting 'yes' for Prop. 1 on March 5."
    • The Bakersfield Californian Editorial Board: "This tug of war over California’s mental health dollars will not solve California’s mental health crisis. Proposition 1 promises real solutions."
    • Los Angeles Times Editorial Board: "When compared with the cost of doing nothing, Proposition 1 is an important step forward in meeting California’s responsibility to the most vulnerable homeless people and those housed Californians with behavioral health problems most at risk of ending up on the street. It is a worthy addition to other state, local and private investments, and it warrants support. The Times urges voters to approve Proposition 1."
    • The Mercury News Editorial Board: "The state has limited resources, the current distribution of money is not getting the job done and the problem requires a statewide approach. To provide a clearer picture of federal, state and county efforts in California to address mental health issues, Prop. 1 would also require counties to report how they spend all the money from those sources. Newsom wants to try something new. Voters should give him that chance. But they should also hold him accountable to ensure that Proposition 1 delivers promised improvements."


    • The Orange County Register Editorial Board: "In addition to adding $6.38 billion to the state’s $80 billion bond debt, Proposition 1 permanently raids the funding for mental health services that voters approved in 2004 with Proposition 63, the Mental Health Services Act. That measure put a 1% tax on incomes over $1 million, and it typically generates between $2 billion and $3.5 billion per year. By law, 95% of the money goes to the counties for mental health services and the state takes 5% for mental health programs. ... Vote no on Proposition 1. It’s no solution."

  • California Require Personal Finance Course for High School Graduation Initiative (2024) 

  • California Require Certain Participants in Medi-Cal Rx Program to Spend 98% of Revenues on Patient Care Initiative (2024) 

  • California Managed Care Organization Tax Authorization Initiative (2024) 

  • Colorado

    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Colorado with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Colorado Property Tax Exemption for Veterans with Individual Unemployability Status Amendment (2024) 

  • Colorado Independent Judicial Discipline Adjudicative Board Amendment (2024) 

  • Colorado Property Tax Revenue Cap Initiative (2024) 

  • Colorado Remove Right to Bail in First Degree Murder Cases Amendment (2024) 

  • Colorado Initiative and Referendum Filing and Judicial Retention Filing Deadlines Amendment (2024) 

  • Colorado Remove Constitutional Same-Sex Marriage Ban Amendment (2024) 

  • Colorado Retain Sports Betting Tax Revenue for Water Projects Measure (2024) 

  • Colorado Sales Tax on Firearms Dealers, Manufacturers, and Ammunition Vendors Measure (2024) 

  • Colorado Right to Abortion and Health Insurance Coverage Initiative (2024) 

  • Connecticut

    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Connecticut with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Connecticut No-Excuse Absentee Voting Amendment (2024) 

  • Delaware

    See Delaware 2024 ballot measures for more information.


    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Florida with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Florida Amendment 1, Partisan School Board Elections Amendment (2024) 

  • Florida Amendment 2, Right to Hunt and Fish Amendment (2024) 

  • See also: 2024 ballot measure media endorsements


    You can share campaign information or arguments, along with source links for this information, at editor@ballotpedia.org


    • Orlando Sentinel Editorial Board: "This amendment could also have a significant impact on the state’s ability to manage public lands against wildfires and flooding. Some analysts have suggested that this amendment could even trump the rights of private property owners to restrict hunting on their own land. It could certainly tie the hands of future lawmakers to respond to currently unforeseen environmental consequences of hunting, such as Florida’s ban on gill-net fishing or its most recent laws against the gruesome “Internet hunt” sites that allow online users to fire real guns, loaded with real ammunition, at Florida wildlife using remote control and webcams— a practice so dangerous and wasteful that it’s banned in 42 states. That’s why this amendment seems so scary. Nobody can say exactly what it could do, or how much harm it could cause. Meanwhile, the only arguments in its favor seem to rest on the fallacy that hunting and fishing in Florida are under attack. So what’s the point of putting it on the ballot? The best argument we can see for this stinker is that it’s bait — intended to draw out low-information, far-right voters who can be easily swindled into believing that their rights are somehow under attack and who will, presumably, be voting conservative across the rest of the ballot."

  • Florida Amendment 5, Annual Inflation Adjustment for Homestead Property Tax Exemption Value Amendment (2024) 

  • Florida Amendment 6, Repeal of Public Financing for Statewide Campaigns Amendment (2024) 

  • Florida Amendment 3, Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2024) 

  • Florida Amendment 4, Right to Abortion Initiative (2024) 

  • Georgia

    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Georgia with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Georgia Creation of Tax Court Amendment (2024) 

  • Georgia Personal Property Tax Exemption Increase Measure (2024) 

  • Georgia Local Option Homestead Property Tax Exemption Amendment (2024) 

  • Hawaii

    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Hawaii with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Hawaii Remove Legislature Authority to Limit Marriage to Opposite-Sex Couples Amendment (2024) 

  • Hawaii Judicial Appointments and Confirmations Amendment (2024) 

  • Idaho

    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Idaho with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Idaho Citizenship Requirement for Voting Amendment (2024) 

  • Illinois

    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Illinois with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Illinois Penalties for Violation of Duties of Election Worker Advisory Question (2024) 

  • Illinois Income Tax Advisory Question (2024) 

  • Illinois Assisted Reproductive Healthcare Advisory Question (2024) 

  • Indiana

    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Indiana with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Indiana Remove Superintendent of Public Instruction from Gubernatorial Line of Succession Amendment (2024) 

  • Iowa

    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Iowa with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Iowa Gubernatorial Succession Amendment (2024) 

  • Iowa Require Citizenship to Vote in Elections and Allow 17-Year-Olds to Vote in Primaries Amendment (2024) 

  • Kansas

    See Kansas 2024 ballot measures for more information.


    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Kentucky with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Kentucky Allow State Funding for Non-Public Education Amendment (2024) 

  • Kentucky Citizenship Requirement for Voting Amendment (2024) 

  • Louisiana

    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Louisiana with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Louisiana 48-Hour Waiting Period for Concurrence on Appropriation Bills Amendment (December 2024) 

  • Louisiana Allow Legislature to Extend Regular Sessions to Pass Appropriations Bills Amendment (December 2024) 

  • Louisiana Judiciary Commission Investigation of Sitting Judges Amendment (December 2024) 

  • Louisiana Outer Continental Shelf Revenues for Coastal Protection and Restoration Fund Amendment (2024) 

  • Louisiana Property Tax Sales Administration Amendment (December 2024) 

  • Maine

    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Maine with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Maine State Flag Referendum (2024) 

  • Maine Limit Contributions to Super PACs Initiative (2024) 

  • Maine Science and Technology Research and Commercialization Bond Issue (2024) 

  • Maine Development and Maintenance of Trails Bond Issue (2024) 

  • Maine Historic Community Buildings Bond Issue (2024) 

  • Maryland

    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Maryland with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Maryland Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment (2024) 

  • Massachusetts

    See Massachusetts 2024 ballot measures for more information.


    See Michigan 2024 ballot measures for more information.


    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Minnesota with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Minnesota Continue to Provide Lottery Revenue to Environment and Natural Resources Fund Amendment (2024) 

  • Mississippi

    See Mississippi 2024 ballot measures for more information.


    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Missouri with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Missouri Amendment 1, Property Tax Exemption for Childcare Establishments Measure (August 2024) 

  • Missouri Amendment 4, Allow Legislature to Require a City to Increase Funding without State Reimbursement for a Police Force Established by State Board Measure (August 2024) 

  • Missouri Require Citizenship to Vote and Prohibit Ranked-Choice Voting Amendment (2024) 

  • Missouri Levying of Fees to Support Salaries of Law Enforcement Personnel Amendment (2024) 

  • Montana

    See Montana 2024 ballot measures for more information.


    See Nebraska 2024 ballot measures for more information.


    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Nevada with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Nevada Question 3, Top-Five Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2024) 

  • Nevada Question 1, Remove Constitutional Status of Board of Regents Amendment (2024) 

  • Nevada Question 4, Remove Slavery as Punishment for Crime from Constitution Amendment (2024) 

  • Nevada Question 2, Revising Language Related to Public Entities for Individuals with Mental Illness, Blindness, or Deafness Amendment (2024) 

  • Nevada Question 5, Sales Tax Exemption for Diapers Measure (2024) 

  • New Hampshire

    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in New Hampshire with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • New Hampshire Increase Mandatory Judicial Retirement Age Amendment (2024) 

  • New Jersey

    See New Jersey 2024 ballot measures for more information.

    New Mexico

    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in New Mexico with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • New Mexico Increase Veteran Property Tax Exemption Amendment (2024) 

  • New Mexico Disabled Veteran Property Tax Exemption Amendment (2024) 

  • New Mexico Judicial Nominating Commission Amendment (2024) 

  • New Mexico County Officer Salaries Amendment (2024) 

  • New Mexico Senior Citizens Facilities Bond Issue (2024) 

  • New Mexico Public Libraries Bond Issue (2024) 

  • New Mexico Public Education Bond Issue (2024) 

  • New Mexico Public Safety Radio Communications Systems Bond Issue (2024) 

  • New York

    See New York 2024 ballot measures for more information.

    North Carolina

    See North Carolina 2024 ballot measures for more information.

    North Dakota

    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in North Dakota with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • North Dakota Constitutional Measure 1, Language Describing State Institutions Amendment (2024) 

  • North Dakota Constitutional Measure 2, Single-Subject Requirement for Initiatives and Require Constitutional Initiatives to be Passed Twice Amendment (2024) 

  • North Dakota Constitutional Measure 3, Legacy Fund Transfers Amendment (2024) 

  • North Dakota Initiated Measure 1, Congressional Age Limits Initiative (June 2024) 

  • Ohio

    See Ohio 2024 ballot measures for more information.


    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Oklahoma with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Oklahoma Public Infrastructure Districts Amendment (2024) 

  • Oklahoma Citizenship Requirement for Voting Amendment (2024) 

  • Oregon

    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Oregon with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Oregon Ranked-Choice Voting for Federal and State Elections Measure (2024) 

  • Oregon Impeachment of Elected State Executives Amendment (2024) 

  • Oregon Independent Public Service Compensation Commission Amendment (2024) 

  • Pennsylvania

    See Pennsylvania 2024 ballot measures for more information.

    Rhode Island

    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Rhode Island with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Rhode Island Constitutional Convention Question (2024) 

  • South Carolina

    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in South Carolina with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • South Carolina Citizenship Requirement for Voting Amendment (2024) 

  • South Dakota

    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in South Dakota with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • South Dakota Constitutional Amendment E, Gender-Neutral Constitutional Language Amendment (2024) 

  • South Dakota Constitutional Amendment F, Medicaid Work Requirement Amendment (2024) 

  • South Dakota Initiated Measure 28, Prohibit Food and Grocery Taxes Initiative (2024) 

  • South Dakota Constitutional Amendment G, Right to Abortion Initiative (2024) 

  • South Dakota Constitutional Amendment H, Top-Two Primary Elections Initiative (2024) 

  • South Dakota Initiated Measure 29, Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2024) 

  • Tennessee

    See Tennessee 2024 ballot measures for more information.


    See Texas 2024 ballot measures for more information.


    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Utah with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Utah Elections of County Sheriffs Amendment (2024) 

  • Utah State School Fund Distribution Cap Increase Amendment (2024) 

  • Utah Constitutional Requirements for Education Funding Amendment (2024) 

  • Vermont

    See Vermont 2024 ballot measures for more information.


    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Virginia with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Virginia Property Tax Exemption for Veterans and Surviving Spouses Amendment (2024) 

  • Washington

    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Washington with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Washington Initiative 2124, Opt-Out of Long-Term Services Insurance Program Initiative (2024) 

  • Washington Initiative 2117, Prohibit Carbon Tax Credit Trading and Repeal Carbon Cap-and-Invest Program Measure (2024) 

  • Washington Initiative 2109, Repeal Capital Gains Tax Initiative (2024) 

  • West Virginia

    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in West Virginia with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • West Virginia Amendment 1, Prohibit "Medically-Assisted Suicide, Euthanasia, and Mercy Killing" Measure (2024) 

  • Wisconsin

    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Wisconsin with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Wisconsin Citizenship Voting Requirement Amendment (2024) 

  • Wisconsin Require Legislative Approval for State Expenditure of Federal Funds Amendment (August 2024) 

  • Wisconsin Prohibit Legislature from Delegating Appropriations Power Amendment (August 2024) 

  • Wisconsin Question 2, Only Designated Election Officials to Conduct Elections Amendment (April 2024) Approveda

  • Wisconsin Question 1, Ban on Private and Non-Governmental Funding of Election Administration Amendment (April 2024) Approveda

  • Wyoming

    The following is a list of all measures certified for the ballot in Wyoming with the media editorial positions that Ballotpedia has found listed beneath. If a section is empty, either no media outlets have released editorials concerning that measure, or Ballotpedia has not identified media editorial boards that have taken a position on this measure. Please email editor@ballotpedia.org if you know of editorials that are not listed.

  • Wyoming Property Tax on Residential Property and Owner-Occupied Primary Residences Amendment (2024) 

  • Footnotes