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Open Source Guides - for Rocket Scientists

These guides started from our contention that real knowledge is not parachuted from on high but rather acquired in tiny increments from a variety of sources (including panic) and sensibly organised. So we started with a lot of empty space and very little content and some years later we have .. a lot of empty space and very little content!

The series title 'for Rocket Scientists' is meant to be whimsical for those entirely lacking in a sense of humour. We wanted to call them the 'Hitchhikers Guide to ...' but decided against in honour of the memory of the late, lamented Douglas Noel Adams.

DNS for Rocket Scientists Covers: DNS concepts and administration, Domain Registration procedures and common problems, configuration of BIND Version 9, BIND Quick Start, zone files, Resource Records, DNS test tools, DNS HOWTOs, Reverse mapping, alternate Open Source DNS server and tools software. Securing DNS systems.
LDAP for Rocket Scientists Covers: LDAP concepts and administration. Schemas, ObjectClasses, Attributes, DITs, Entries and Operational Objects. OpenLDAP 2.x slapd.conf and slurp.conf files. ApacheDS installation and configuration. Common sample implementations - simple address books, complex address books, SSO, email operations moving toward a unified - dare we say AD - approach to server/system administration. LDAP HOWTOs, LDIF files, LDAP URLs. Functional Model, alternate Open Source LDAP servers and tools. The Security Model.

Problems, comments, suggestions, corrections (including broken links) or something to add? Please take the time from a busy life to 'mail us' (at top of screen), the webmaster (below) or info-support at zytrax. You will have a warm inner glow for the rest of the day.

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