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Zertificon Blog

We provide encryption solutions and write about 'Secure Business Communications'.


AS4 switch in Market Communication: BRPs face unique challenges in future schedule management

BKV AS4 Path Switch without MaKo

The transition of Market Communication (Marktkommunikation, short: Mako) from email to AS4 web services is just around the corner. Beginning October 2023, a phase of parallel operation will start. This phase, as directed by Germany’s Federal Network Agency (BNetzA), entails gradually switching from email to AS4 for all communication relations within Mako. The process involves a ‘Path Switch,’ which ensures that two market partners can successfully send and receive AS4 messages before any transmission files are exchanged.

Similarly, the process of registering schedules (Fahrplandaten) between Balancing Responsible Parties (BRP) and Transmission System Operators (TSO) is also planned to transition from email to AS4 three months after Mako.

However, Mako and schedule management are two separate processes: If Mako switches to AS4, it should not automatically affect schedules. This results in a challenge for both BRP and TSO to manage a separate Path Switch for Mako and schedule data.

Criteria for choosing AS4 software providers

While Mako uses MP ID to identify communication partners, schedules registration relies on the Energy Identification Code (EIC). However, MP IDs and EICs are issued separately, meaning there’s no direct connection between the two. It’s the responsibility of the communication software to figure out which MP ID has successfully completed the Path Switch to AS4 and for what purpose. Given these complexities, we advise BRPs to take these factors into account when selecting a software solution.

Z1 Energy MarketCommunication addresses BRP challenges

Our solution Z1 Energy MarketCommunication separates and manages distinct data types, such as Mako, schedules, and Redispatch 2.0 data. Whether it’s outbound data from your business application or inbound data via email or AS4 interfaces, the software processes it according to its specific data type. Therefore, if Mako transitions to AS4, your schedule communications will remain unaffected. In other words, the switch to AS4 for schedules can occur independently, irrespective of Mako AS4 settings.

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