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Health Policy

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Health Policy Division identifies and advances legislative and regulatory policies to increase access to coverage and services.

In many ways, U.S. health care is the envy of the world—it has helped many individuals live longer than ever and enjoy a better quality of life than previously possible. However, we continue to face the challenge of making quality health care more affordable, more accessible, and more reliable for all Americans. 

The Chamber is focused on promoting effective private sector solutions to our health care challenges that will help control costs, expand access, and improve the quality of care.


Access and Affordability

  • Enable greater flexibility for businesses as they offer health care coverage to their employees. 
  • Support the expansion of Association Health Plans. 
  • Adopt policies to stabilize the individual and small group markets. 
  • Improve access to meaningful cost and quality information for consumers while protecting the ability of private companies to enter into negotiated contractual arrangements. 
  • Facilitate the adoption of value-based insurance and reward high-quality providers.

Wellness, Innovation, and Value 

  • Facilitate and promote workplace wellness programs. 
  • Protect consumer safety by stopping unregulated foreign drug imports and curbing the opioid epidemic. 
  • Oppose price controls and efforts that reduce contractual flexibility in our health care system. 
  • Oppose the adoption of a single-payer, government-run health care system. 
  • Support reforms that lead to more value-based, quality-focused, and coordinated care.

Recent Successes

Repeal the Cadillac Tax

This 40% excise tax on employer-sponsored health coverage threatened the value of health benefits for over 180 million Americans. Repeal is projected to save $197 billion over a 10-year period.

Repeal the Health Insurance Tax

The tax on health insurance raised premiums for small businesses, seniors, and millions of others. Repeal is projected to save $150.8 billion over the next decade.

Repeal the Medical Device Tax

The 2.3% tax on the sale of medical devices hurt the ability of American companies to compete and encouraged businesses to send operations and jobs overseas. Repeal is projected to save $25.5 billion over the next decade.

Improve Treatment of Chronic Conditions

IRS guidance delineated 14 specific medical care services and items as preventive care when prescribed to treat an individual diagnosed with certain chronic conditions. This delineation enables certain individuals to use Health Savings Account funds to pay for these items before the plan deductible is satisfied, which stands to lower costs for 60% of U.S. adults who have a chronic condition.

Remove Administrative Burdens Under Section 1557

Following notice and comment, regulations were revised to remove unnecessary tagline requirements, which is projected to save consumers $3.6 billion over a 5-year period.

Expand Use of Health Reimbursement Accounts

Regulations expanded the ability of employers to put aside money on a tax-free basis to help employees purchase health insurance, which provided employees with greater flexibility and choice in selecting their health care coverage.

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