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The person who just read all these definitions and laughed at every one.
"So hey, like john, did you know that......wait shit i forgot what i was talking about"
by Charming August 29, 2005
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A Habitual user of Marijuana, usually to the point where it interferes with work, family, and school. Pot heads are known for their laid-back attitude, bad memory, encyclopedic knowledge of junkfood, and facination with shiny objects.

Pot heads should not be confused with occasional smokers who are still able to function and fulfill their responsibilities and obligations.
Laughing + Junk Food + Red Eyes + 24/7 = POT HEAD
by AZ-Dawg April 24, 2006
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He's the bigest pot head I've ever seen! He's always smoking.
by XGoGoX March 4, 2006
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a person who smokes a lot of weed.
i am really stoned.
caleb:im hungry
me:lets order some chinse
caleb:order some chines to do what?
clint:caleb your a fuckin pothead
by smokslotaweed April 18, 2003
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a word used by people who don't smoke weed to describe people who do smoke weed. also, people who want to fit in with stoners and have only smoked weed once will call themselves potheads in hopes that people will think they smoke a lot, even though a true "pot head" would never call themselves a "pot head"
i do not call myself a pot head because i actually smoke weed. also, pot heads and crack heads are very different, but people who use the word "pot head" tend to not realize that, and end up calling anybody who smokes anything a crack head.
by krevin April 22, 2007
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