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The Bank of Japan: Counting on Kuroda

Earlier today saw the final Bank of Japan Policy Board meeting chaired by Governor Shirakawa. As expected, no changes were made to policy, a suitably inconsequential end to a term that saw GDP growth and inflation both average less than zero....

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BoE: Only a matter of time

Just two weeks ago the outlook for BoE policy, in the near term at least, looked pretty boring. Having completed its latest slug of Gilt purchases in October last year, and having subsequently opted...

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ECB: Tailoring rates getting increasingly challenging

Now that the threat of a near-term breakup of the euro area has disappeared, thanks largely to the ECB’s OMT programme, thoughts have turned to the outlook for the ECB’s monetary policy...

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France: How much should we worry?

Following a steady improvement in business sentiment in recent months, yesterday’s flash PMIs provided a reminder of the fragile state of the euro area’s recovery.

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The strong euro: Is it a game changer for the ECB?

Having strengthened steadily since last July, the euro has taken a breather in response to Draghi’s remarks following last week’s ECB Governing Council meeting. Most notably, by highlighting the downside risks to inflation...

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